Character Answers

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Before you guys read this, keep in mind that this is RIGHT AFTER Kellin leaves, so all answers may have changed by the time the story starts. Enjoy!


Q: What happened to you that made you this way?
A: What do you mean 'this way'? I'm a perfectly normal human being, so if you want a decent answer, ask a decent question next time.

Q: Who hurt you?
A: Who hasn't hurt me?

Q: Y r u a r00dhoe? ?
A: Y cant u use proper english? ?

Q: Do you need mental help? Blink twice if you're being put up to this.
A: Definitely not blinking.

Q: Do you want me to bitch slap you? Huh mother fucker? 😂😂😂😂
A: If you've been keeping up, I think we both know who would win a fight here. (:

Q: Were you always abusive towards Kellin? When did you decide to start abusing him?
A: I wouldn't exactly call it abuse. It's only abuse if the person doesn't deserve it. As for the beatings, it wasn't really a decision. He just pissed me off one day as usual, so I let it out. It felt nice to let things go, so I just continued to do it. There's nothing wrong with relieveing tension.

Q: Why are you like this? You don't deserve Kellin. He's gonna live with me from now on, bye Felicia.
A: First of all, my name is Victor not Felicia. Secondly, you're incorrect about me not deserving Kellin. HE doesn't deserve me. And about living with you, I don't really care. He's the one who left so it's not my responsibility what happens to him from now on.

Q: Why you so rude, man? Be nice, Kell's a gr8 person, you rude bootyhole
A: Quite frankly, I don't think I'm rude at all. Also, the only bootyhole that matters in this stupid story is Kellin's. That's the only thing I need from him anyway.

Q: Why are you so abusive towards Kellin?
A: For the last time, it's not abuse. It's discipline.

Q: Why you a dick man?
A: My dick just must be so big that that's all you see me as.

Q: Can I beat your ass and see how you like it?
A: Hit me and I'll hit you back twice as hard.

Q: So, I have a feeling the only reason you abuse Kellin is because you think that that's actually going to make him stay with you. You put him down and do all this shit to him because you make him feel and think nobody will love him like you do. Is it true? Or you got your own reasons?
A: Of course that shit isn't true. I don't need to beg Kellin to stay. He knows that he loves me. Plus, he's the one who loves me. I don't love him, therefore I'm not trying to convince him that anyone will love him better. I "abuse" him because he deserves it and he needs to learn his lesson after stupid choices.


Q: Why didn't you realize and leave sooner?
A: It took everything in me to leave. I kinda just wanted Vic to push me to my last limit so that I could stay with him as long as possible.

Q: Are you gonna plan a revenge on Vic? Like a real badass one? Btw, you're gonna live with me because you're a smol bean that needs loving. Vic can kiss my ass.
A: Of course I wouldn't plan a revenge on Vic. I want him to love me, not hate me more. Also, I'm quite fine where I am. Thank you for the offer, though.

Q: What made you stay with him the first time he hit you?
A: Ever since my sister died, I was always ignored and pushed away. I was unloved and nobody showed interest in me until Vic came along. I didn't care how bad he was to me, because he was still intrigued by me and that's all that mattered. It was better being hit than neglected. He wasn't hard to fall in love with.

Q: Can I kidnap you and we can go watch Angry Birds and Minions?
A: I'm afraid of birds, so angry ones don't sound too appealing. As for the minions, I hate those annoying rats.

Kellin #2 (ME) -

Q: Why did you make me feel so many feels in this?
A: Gotta keep the readers reading, right?

Q: Why do you give me these feels?
A: I swear it wasn't on purpose, but I'm not exactly sorry for it. It gets me reads, lol.

Q: Do you know what you're doing to my heart? I don't think you do.
A: Oh, trust me, I do. It hurts me, too. (that rhymed lol)

Q: delete it
A: blocked

Q: You love me right?
A: Of course I love you! I love all of my little lovely babies. Except for romi and vic and paige,,, they're kinda weird if you ask me,,,

Vic's Family-

Q: Do you realize how your son acts?
A: Vic has always been an amgry kid. It doesn't surprise us.

Q: Are you abusive?
A: Not at all. We aren't sure what influenced Vic to be like this in the first place, but he's actually just really sad and hurt. We aren't sure why.

Q: Why did you let Vic continue to hurt Kellin all this time?
A: Vic took us out of his life. In fact, we weren't aware that Vic was even gay. We would have stopped it if we were aware what was happening.

Q: Did you drop Vic when he was a baby becayse he's kinda dumb??? You know what I mean.
A: He's actually a very smart kid, he just uses it in the wrong ways.

Q: Was Vic always like this?
A: Abusive? No. Angry? Yes. In denial? Very much so.

Q: What did you feed your son, Jesus Christ?
A: Something tells me you're that Romi girl Kellin warned us about...

Q: What the hell did you do to your son? I am kinda getting a vibe that you guys weren't the best parents which is why Vic thinks abusing his boyfriend is okay when it's not. Or I could be wrong...
A: I can assure you that we were the best parents as possible to Vic. He's very hard to handle and we have tried consulting with him, but he would get very upset and refuse to speak. He doesn't believe that anything is wrong with him.

Kellin's Parents-

Q: Do you know about all of this? If so, why are you not helping him?
A: We haven't seen or heard from Kellin in years and we do not plan to do so. He's a big boy. He can handle whatever he gets himself into.

Q: Are you aware of what has been going on with Vic and Rollins relationship? Why have you let it happen?
A: Who's Rollin?

Q: Y this?
A: Z this? I'm confused...

Q: Why?
A: Why not?


Q: aren't you dead? Lmao.
A: this is very rude, everyone please attack her in the comments.

Q: You might be my favorite person.
A: Awe! I'm glad to hear that!

Q: How do you feel about Kellin's situation with Vic? Do you agree with him leaving?
A: Yes, I agree with him leaving. It saddens me that Kellin resulted in an abusive relationship while desperately searching for love. I hope he ends up okay. I miss my big bro ):

Q: You're a good sister, nuff said.
A: I'd be a better one if I wasn't up here.

Q: Have you ever suspected anything? Especially when Kellin took off out the house?
A: In full honesty, we're aware of everything. The first time we heard something, Kellin was screaming, and Vic came over the next day and threatened us not to say anything. He told us a bunch of lies to save himself, but of course we didn't believe him. Sadly, we had no choice but to let it happen.

I Hope You Don't Regret Me (sequel to Bedless) | kellic (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now