eight - final

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6 months later

Things were good. Really good. Vic and I were 100% steady and I trusted him. He never got mad at me. We didn't fight. I didn't cry. All we ever did was smile with each other. We agreed to hold off on sex until we were ready again. Basically, we were restarting our relationship as new people, as if nothing ever happened. I didn't mind it at all. I didn't want to remember the things that happened before. I just wanted to be happy and with Vic at the same time. I used to think that that was impossible. But now, I'm realizing that it's so easy.

"Kellin, wake up." I heard, making me awaken right away. Vic's face was hovered right above mine and the second I opened my eyes, he leaned down to kiss me. It was short and sweet, but I was so tired that it caused me to giggle lazily.

"Good morning, boyfriend." I greeted softly.

"Good morning, darling." He smiled.

He sat up and so did I, but only for a brief moment. That's only because I pushed him onto his back so that I could climb over and straddle him.

"What're you doing?" He mumbled with slightly darkened eyes.

"Nothing." I said innocently, scooting up on his hips, causing a small bit of friction.

"Kellin, don't do that." He said. "You're turning me on."

"Sorry." I said, scooting up one more time before laying on top of him.

"It's okay, baby. Do you want to get some more sleep?" Vic asked sweetly.

I looked down at him and nodded. He smiled softly at me before rolling us to the side and pulling me into his chest. I loved being able to sleep with him now. It was so comforting and my insomnia had vanished once I began sleeping with him. It didn't take me long to realize that Vic wasn't just the cause of all my problems. He was the solve of all my problems too. I could never lose him again.

When I woke up about two hours later, I realized that the spot next to me was empty. I frantically scrambled out of the bed, immediately freaking out, thinking something was wrong.

"Vic?" I called out as I searched the house.


"Vic, come on now. Please just come out." My heart ached as I looked throughout the house, not being able to find him anywhere. I could feel my lungs starting to close up as I struggled to breathe.

"Vic! Baby, where are you?"

I ran into the kitchen, seeing a small paper on the fridge. It was easy to spot, considering nothing else was pinned to the white door. I ripped the paper off of the refrigerator and read it immediately.

Be back soon. Getting groceries.

I let out a relieved sigh as I held the paper to my chest and felt a warm tear roll down my cheek. I had panicked, thinking he had left me again. I know he said he never would, but he could always change his mind. I wouldn't blame him if he did. I'd leave me too, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't hurt if he did it.

I decided to go back to the room and lay down. I needed to settle my heartbeat. I crawled into bed, taking two anxiety pills off the nightstand and swallowing them with a glass of water. I wasn't supposed to take them without Vic around, but I only ever needed them when he wasn't around. Everything about my situation was so backwards.

Vic came home an hour later, calling me out to help him with the groceries. I walked out of the room, meeting him at the car before taking a few bags out of the trunk. He took a glance at me before opening his mouth.

"You alright, baby?" He asked with a bit of a concerned tone of voice. I could feel his gaze.

I simply nodded, flashing him a soft smile.

"I'm sorry for not waking you up. You just looked so cute and comfortable- I didn't want to disturb you." He spoke sweetly, smiling back at me.

"It's okay." I told him simply.

I was being honest. It was okay and even if I thought it wasn't, I had to pretend it was. Vic taught me to hide my emotions and as hard as it was, it was better. I had learned that from our past, and it was keeping our relationship healthy and stable now.

We finished putting up the groceries before relaxing on the couch.

"You know, I'm really happy you changed your mind about me." Vic told me softly, pulling me into him gently.

"I'm really happy that you changed." I replied, studying his features as he looked off into the distance.

I leaned up and kissed his cheeks a few times with a bright smile. He looked back over at me with an apologetic look.

I could tell that he was thinking about our past.

I knew he regretted everything. I loved him for that. I loved him for so many reasons.

But most importantly, I loved him because he loved me too.

The End.

Thank you so much for reading this piece of shit book!!! I'm glad to finally finish it and get it out of the way. Thank you for your patience and wonderful comments. I love you all so much.

Kellin! 💖

I Hope You Don't Regret Me (sequel to Bedless) | kellic (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now