Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

-Taylor Rivers-

I yelped as my back hit the wall made of concrete. The twins had morphed together and were now twice as strong. I landed on the floor with a thud. My vision blurred for a few seconds. Isaac and Boyd attacked the twins while I ran over to help Derek. I jumped on Ennis' back and clawed at his chest. He roared and threw me back. Scott stood in front of me and growled. I stood up and went next to him.

"Cover your eyes!" Someone yelled, so I obeyed.

I heard the whistles of arrows cutting through the air. I peeked up to see Allison and Drew shooting arrows at the alphas. Did I mention Drew was a hunter too? (Read Chapters 1&2 if you don't remember.) I smirked and covered my face again. I heard a growl and saw Ennis and Derek fighting a bit too close to a hole.

"Derek, No!" I yelled, running after him but it was too late...

They both fell over. Tears filled my eyes as I peeked over the edge. He's gone... The tears streamed down my face and I began sobbing. A loud roar filled with pain slipped past my lips. A pair of arms wrapped around me. I pushed my head into Isaac's chest and cried.


The next day I woke up feeling nothing. I was numb. I wanted to crawl under a rock and die but I can't keep missing days of hell, oh I mean school. I walked through the hallways staring down at my black vans. I growled as someone bumped into me. Another person roughly grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the hallway. I growled and ripped my hand from his grip. It was Aidan.

"He's just a poor defenseless boy. Stiles can't protect you like I can. If you join the pack, nothing can hurt you." Aidan whispered.

"I can protect myself. I don't need you."

He scoffed, "You can't protect everyone. You're protecting Stiles, the pack and your friends but you couldn't protect Derek?" He said coolly.

I growled and pulled my fist back cracking his nose. I punched him repeatedly as a crowd started to form. I heard someone yell my name but I ignored him.

"Taylor!" Scott yelled in his alpha tone.

I stopped and closed my eyes, knowing that they weren't normal. Scott and Isaac grabbed me and pulled me into the boys' locker room. I was going to fully wolf out.

"You can't do this here!" Scott said, well more like yelled.

"Go get Stiles now!" I growled gripping a sink.

"I'll get him." Isaac mumbled before leaving.

I punched the mirror causing it to shatter and leave pieces of glass in my knuckles.

"Dumb-ass..." Scott muttered before taking the glass shards out.

"What happened?" Stiles said walking in.

I sighed in relief and hugged him, laying my head against his chest.

"Aidan was talking about Derek and how I didn't save him."

"It's not your fault." Stiles whispered.

"It should have been me."

He shook his head. "It should be me. At least, I'll die instead of the girl I love."

I hit his shoulder causing him to wince. "No one is dying."

He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"Everything will be okay." Stiles murmured before pecking my lips.

-Really sorry that I haven't updated in a while. School and homework is a lot haha xx

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