Unbelievable Reality

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"Rebecca are you ready?? Come down..we are already running late." Mom screamed from down stairs.

"Coming..just a minute." I said before taking a final look on the mirror. I heaved a sigh before straightening my black frock and running out of my room. I ran down the stairs to meet Dad, Mom and Hermione.

"Sorry..." I said.

"Hermione's done so long what took you so long darling??"my mom asked.

I just smiled in return.

"Lets go"Dad said.

We went out and boarded the car and headed to my father's friend's house. I gazed out of the window at the setting sun until we reached the house.

Hermione constantly fiddled with her hair while we waited outside for the host to open the door.

"Mom why are we here??"

"To meet your father's very old friend. He's a very nice man."she answered back.

Finally the door opened to reveal a tall lean man with long hair. We went inside and settled in the living room. Then started the chattering and laughter.

"So I see you have two beautiful daughter..whats your name??"he asked looking at me.

"Rebecca Jean Granger" I smiled back

"And yours."he asked looking at Hermione.

"Hermione Jean Granger"she answered back.

"So in which class are you two??"

"We both are in same standard uncle...we are actually twins."I said.

"But..?"he said confused.

"I know we are different..she has not got my soft frizzy hair."Hermione said proudly.

or bushy hair I said within myself. But I was very very proud of my  wavy straight hair.

''Uncle... Do you mind if I went and took a look of the show case?'' I asked.

''Absolutely no'' he smiled.

I smiled back before I got up and went to the glass show case to see the show pieces. I could see many fairies and princesses made of porcelain standing. But for a better glance I rested my hand on the glass door of the show case and leaned in. But to my utter shock I found the glass suddenly crackling beneath my touch. I stood back my eyes buldging out of my sockets.

''Rebecca what are you doing?'' my mom screamed.

''I don't know what happened!'' I said back in horror as I saw the glass cracking and bursting out the glass pieces. Finally the man stood up and may be wondering how a ten year old girl could do such a destruction!!

''I am sorry.'' I said as tears ran down my cheeks.

''Out of the room..''uncle shouted and we headed to another room.

As we settled ourselves in the library like room, my parents still staring at me with a confused look. I was too ashamed to speak so looked down and fidgeted with my fingers.

''We are really sorry for such an incident.''

''It's alright ..but did you get hurt dear??''he asked me.

I just nodded my head in denial.

''I suggest you should go and wash your face...the washroom is straight to the left corner".

I just got up and walked into the washroom. I washed my face with the cold water and looked into the mirror to find my cheeks burning red. Then I walked back to the library room to find Hermione scanning through the book tittles. I go and sit at a corner too ashamed to confront the reality. I kept on fiddling with my skirt until I heard a scream from Hermione. I looked up to find one side of the library burning in fire. I almost leaped out my seat. Hermione shouted at her top voice as tears made their way down her red cheeks. Just then uncle came and splashed a huge bucket of water over the burning books.

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