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My eyes fluttered open suddenly. I squinted them due to the hot sun rays coming in. I rolled to my side cosily and tried to get back to sleep until I realised I was in Hogwarts and had classes. I almost jumped out of the bed. Next half and hour was gone in getting ready and finding books. By the time I ran out of my room I was running late. I raced down to the great Hall for breakfast. When I reached my table panting for breath the hall had already started getting empty. I took a seat beside Hermione and grabbed a toast. She was busy taking to Harry and Ron. After some time disgusted with the silence I tried to make her talk.

"So?"I asked her.

But she didn't turn to see me or respond. After about two minutes, I asked her

"Hermione are you alright??"

No answer. What is going on??

"Hermione are even listening?"I almost screamed.

"What is there to listen??'she hissed finally turning around.

"What happened? Why are you angry"

"I am sure you know the reason."she glared.

"Practically I don't."

"Just go away!!"she shouted.

"I don't get the point??"

"How will you!!"

"Hermione listen to me and tell me everything please and I can apologise if I have done something wrong."I said trying not to put up a quarrel.

"Why don't you leave me alone?"

"I will but one thing, I thought we were back to being sisters and we were finally thinking about each other. But I was wrong. You never wanted to be my sister. I don't even know why you are screaming at me now !! It's you who should stay away from me. I -" I got extremely enraged and intended to shout more but some hands approached my shoulder. I turned to see Scarlett with my tear filled eyes.

"We should leave, class starts in five minutes."she said.

Before leaving I gave Hermione a glare and found an apologetic expression plastered to Harry's face.

With that I ran out with Scarlett.

Tears kept on rolling down my cheeks. Everything seemed so complicated!

"Oh god Becc!! I was planning that we would be having a party for you being a head girl and here you are crying."Scarlett babbled

"Could you keep your thoughts to yourself?"

"See Rebecca you have stopped being yourself. Why are you changing?? You were not like this! I liked what you were before." She tried to bring some sense into me.

"See I am not changing. It's the time, the surroundings and everything making me change. Do you understand??"

"I don't understand but since we are late already by ten minutes we should talk about you later."She hurried.

"Wait!! I didn't get my schedule!!"

"I am sure you have Potions in the first hour."she ran as she spoke.

Potions? Then we should run faster!!

"I hope it is Slughorn!"

"Yeah, then we could save a detention."she wished.

We were panting for breath by the time we reached the Potions Classroom. Thanks to heaven, it was Slughorn teaching inside!

"Sir?"We peeked inside.

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