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Draco's pov

"Barnett!" I screamed on seeing Scarlett.

"D... Draco, hey."she smiled.

"Do you know where Rebecca is?"

"No.. I guess no, no no."she repeated her eyes loosing the charm.

"Oh.."I said looking around to find someone I could ask.

"Is she alright?" Scarlett asked.

"I hope so. I really hope so." I frowned.

"Me too." she said and left.

God knows where the hell Rebecca is.

"She went towards the Forbidden Forest mate." Blaise said as he rested his hand on my shoulder from back.

" do you know?" I asked turning around and shrugging his hands off my shoulder.

"Well I was on my date with Luna-" he unnecessarily dragged.

"Get to the point Zabini."I snapped cutting him.

"Calm down mate, you are being too rude while I am helping you."

"Will you say the main thing or not?" I asked gritting through my teeth.

"I was in hogsmeade and I saw her crying and flying over us before turning towards the forest."

Before he finished I was on my feet.

"You gotta thank me Draco later." Blaise said from behind.

Wait, I was not getting any better! So I turned on my heels and ran towards Blaise.

"Thanks mate." I said and hugged him.

"You you alright Draco?" Blaise said confused by my sudden emotion.

"Yep, just a little worried about Rebecca."

Blaise smiled and back walked as I turned.

I heard him call to Luna. I smirked and got back to my room to get my broom.

Seconds later I was flying in the evening sky. The night was about to approach.

I flew in the speed of wind, c'mon guys I am one of the best Seekers. The air was cool and fresh. Never in my life did I feel like this. It started drizzling as the night grew darker.

As I landed in front of the forest, the sky has already gotten too dark. I noticed a broom rested against a tree as I was about to keep mine. That gave me the confirmation of her arrival here. Only problem left is to find her in this horrible huge Forest in the dark night.

I debated which was to go, right or left. After thinking, I got a silly idea. Rebecca starts with R so I went for right.

The leaves crumbled under my shoes as I moved deeper into the forests. This forest holds quite a good number of dreadful memories of mine. I am not a person who gets afraid easily. All I am afraid is of my past memories, the dreadful memories.

Suddenly I heard some footsteps. They were approaching towards me. I quickly hid behind a huge tree. I kept my wand gripped in my hands. I could hear the crumble of leaves as someone kept moving towards me. I held my breath to avoid making any mild sound of exhalation or inhalation. Slowly I got to see the intruder. A centaur. It would seriously kill me if it got to see me.

I waited for it to go away. As it furiously looked around for my traces, I moved in the opposite direction. The Forrest was extremely cold and dark. I took every step cautiously afraid that centaur will get to see me. I was tired. I have been walking for hours. Extremely exhausted, I was about to sit down under a tree. But one sound stopped me. I heard a slight moaning echoing around the isolated forest.

Got it!!

I ran as fast as I could until. I was standing in front of a sleeping Rebecca.

I sat on one knee in front of her. She was different now. All her tough outer self erased only the innocent inner self left behind. She was not an epic beauty but a an epic smartness. Never in my life would have I looked at her so intensely if Vanessa had not appeared in my dream. Suddenly I found a letter lying by her side. Silently and notoriously I opened it to find the letter was addressed to Vanessa. Without any hesitation I put it inside my pocket of my jacket. I surely know how to get this letter to Ness.

The drizzling was getting heavier. I have to get Rebecca awake somehow.

"Hey, wake up." I shook her shoulder.

"Ummm?"was all she responded.

"We gotta get back."I tried bring her back to senses in vain.

"C'mon let's sleep."she said resting on her side with no hint to wake up.

I chuckled at the carefree Rebecca but tried to find a way to get her awake. All I came up with was screaming.

"Rebecca!!"I screamed.

"What? Who's there? I swear to kill you!!"she threatened me jumping on her feet and holding the wand to my throat.

I burst into laughter. God knows how long I kept on laughing.

She kept on looking at me wide eyed.

"What?"I asked.

"Nothing."she said.

"No no something..tell me"I pressed.

"Just never seen you like this."

"I see."I said.

"What do you see darling? What are you here sweetheart? And why do you care baby?" She asked full of sarcasm extra angry.

I laughed again.

She stomped outside.

"Wait .. you are going the wrong way darling."I joked.

"Don't u dare."she glared.

"Wow, your sarcasm is allowed not mine!! Unfair Becca!!" I complained.

She came towards me and rested the back of her hand on my forehead.

"Becca?! What was that? We gotta take you to the Hospital Wing."she said.

"Well you should be the one to be taken there cause you were snoring like a bear just now and now you are jumping around like a kangaroo."

"Bear... kangaroo seriously? Well you are no better than a -"I stopped her because I knew what animal she was gonna compare me with..snake.. obvious.

"No more. We gotta get back before heavy shower approaches. We are already drenched. So let's go."I dragged her out with me .

"Why did you come here?"she said stopping and turning me with her tight grip around wrist

"To apologise."I say directly.

"Did you?"

"I will..."I hesitated.

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