Imagine #6

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This imagine is for mynameisfloravc I hope you like it and let me know your thoughts about the imagine in the comments 💙
You turn on the shower and get underneith the warm water. Having a shower after a long day of work is something you always look forward to. It gives you some time to relax. The only negative part is that your boyfriend, Minho, enjoys pulling pranks on you from time to time. You are still scared that one day, he'll sneak into your bathroom and steal your clothes while you're in the shower.

And today, your fear turned into reality. "Minhooooooo!!!!" You yelled angrily when you noticed that the boy had stolen all of your clothes and even your towel.

You sigh and start thinking about ways how you could either 1. get your clothes back or 2. Reach your room without being seen by the other Gladers.

First, you start by scanning the entire bathroom, but nope, nothing that could help you. You decide that the only option is to hope Minho comes to his senses and returns your clothes.

You sigh. Yeah right. Minho coming to his senses? Probably going to happen the day that Chuck becomes the leader of the Glade.

You just wait there, first ten minutes, then an hour, then even two hours. Still no sign of Minho.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, you hear a soft knock on the door. "Who's there?" You ask, hoping it's Minho. "Chuck. I heard that Minho stole your clothes and I felt kind of bad for so I went to your room and grabbed a dress." The young boy says. You smile happily and open the door just a little so that you can put your arm outside and grab the dress. You pull your arm back inside and pull the dress over your head.

You walk outside of the bathroom. "Thanks Chuck. Do you have any idea where that shank of a boyfriend of mine is?" "Somewhere in the homestead I think." The curly boy says. You nod and walk towards the homestead.

"Minho!" You yell when you enter the homestead. You hear laughing coming from the back of the building. You walk over there and see your boyfriend laughing together with the Gladers. They all turn silent when they see you, except for Minho who hasn't noticed you yet.

"Minho." You say. He turns around and he stops laughing. "Hi Y/N." "Outside." You say before turning around and walking out of the homestead.

Minho follows you and he stands in front of you. "Don't be mad. It was just a little joke." He says while he strokes your brown hair. "A joke? You stole all my clothes!"

Minho laughs but stops when he sees that you're really hurt. "Look, I'm sorry." He says. You roll your eyes. Sometimes you don't even know if Minho is being serious or sarcastic. Like, yes you're sarcastic as well but you don't play mean pranks on him.

"Please forgive me?" "The moment that Gally will start liking Thomas then I'll forgive you." Minho sighs and looks at the homestead. "I guess I should go back there then and ask Gally to become friends with Thomas."

"That'll never happen." You answer, but you can't help the fact that a smile is forming on your face. "Is that a smile that I see there Y/N?" You shake your head but you do it to quickly which immediately tells Minho that he's right.

"I knew you couldn't stay mad at me! You obviously love me too much." You chuckle. "I don't!" Minho smiles brightly and he kisses you on your cheek. "You totally love me." "Nah." You answer. "Uhuh." "Nope."

"Totally yes." "Completely not." Minho sighs. "Just admit it already." You chuckle and kiss him on his cheek. "Fine. I love you. Happy now?" Minho nods.

You take each other hand and start walking over the Glade. "Minho?" "Yeah?" "You know that I'm totally going to take revenge on you right?" Minho chuckles. "I know. But for that, you have to be smarter then me and I'm the smartest person ever." He says.

You chuckle and kiss his lips. "I'm sure I can take my revenge." Minho chuckles and kisses you back. "Test me."

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