#9 you have exams (1)

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A/N: this is outside of the Maze.
I got the idea because I have exams myself right now and I dunno, felt like writing this on my break from studying. 💚
Thomas: "y/n!" You hear your boyfriend Thomas shout from the other room. You sigh and put your pen down again. It's already the fifth time today that he called you over to the living room for no reason at all. This way you're never going to have time to study your math.

You leave your bedroom and enter the living room. "What is it now again?" You ask semi annoyed. "I want a hug." He answers while standing up from the couch. You sigh and give him a hug. You wrap your arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around your waist. "Since your exams have started you have barely any time for me." Thomas says after a while of holding each other.

You sigh and rest your head on his shoulder. "I really have to focus on this. Only a few more days and then I'm back to being yours the entire time." Thomas smiles and nods. "Sounds good for me. Now, go back to studying so that you'll be done earlier tonight. When you're finished I'll take you out for dinner."

He says. "Yeeeey!" You give each other a sweet kiss and you go back to your room.

Newt: "you need anything honey?" Newt asks sweetly. You shake your head and look at your Math. You're not that good at it, but nod bad either. Newt really is the sweetest boyfriend ever. He's been bringing you tea and cookies the entire week. He says that it's good for your concentration.

Newt sits down on your bed and starts reading the book you gave him for his birthday. You look at your sheet of paper and sigh. You've been studying for way to long already. You take a deep sigh and put your pen down.

"Newt? I really don't feel like studying anymore right now." Newt looks up and puts his book down. "Well, come here then." You smile widely and stand up. You walk over to your bed and you rest your head on his chest.

"This is better right?" You nod and close your eyes.

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