Help me! Writers Block

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Narrator's POV

It was regular summer night. The stars were out and you could see fireflies too. You sat in your room meditating. All of a sudden you heard a knock at the door. You got up and sighed. "I'll get it!" Before you could say anything, Hatchin screamed. You heard stumbling down the hall. 'Why is Hatchin all excited all of a sudden?' You thought. You followed Hatchin to the door. Once Hatchin opened the door, you saw a boy with a pineapple ponytail come in and hug Hatchin.

Once you saw him you turned away and stormed off to your room up stairs. You still didn't forgive Shikamaru, nor Hatchin because they were together. You sighed plopping down to your meditating table. "Why is he here?!" You asked yourself. "Whatever he should be leaving before dinner." You started meditating.

30 minutes passed and you started to smell supper. "Y/n! Come eat!" Your mom called you down. You sat in the dining room on your knees. All kinds of food were on the table, like was a fest. Your mouth was watering. But all that ended as you saw Hatchin and Shikamaru walk into the dining room. You glared at both of them but they didn't seem to notice. Hatchin sat on the left side of you since you were all the way at the end. Shikamaru sat on the left side of Hatchin. "Why is he here?!" You whispered into Hatchin's ear. She just smiled and turned away to Shikamaru. "Why you!!" You got a little angry. Then your Aunt, Mom, and Uncle walked into the room. "Hello Oba-san, Obi-san" you said to Hatchin's parents and you bowed.

"Well, dig in." Your mother said. Your eyes lit up like stars as you looked at the food. (Got hungry writing this). Butttttt the first thing you got, was your tea. (Tea is Important & Rice). It was warm and it was black tea with honey, and sugar. Then you started to dig in your food.

After awhile you got full. You started to notice the grown up were having their little conversations, on the other hand Hatchin and Shikamaru were flirting with each other and saying gushy stuff. It just made you sick. Relizing you were the only one who was alone and quite you excused your self. (Struggles of being the middle child). You went upstairs to read your book about different hadokens. 'Hadoken 101.'

It was a book you found when you went into the spirit world's libraries. You remembered using the regular Hadoken while destroying Dr.Shinnou. It wasn't anything like the engeriburu that Lady Kyoshi taught you.

An hour passed and you were still reading the book. All of a sudden your heard moaning coming from the room next yours. That was Hatchin's room. Then you started to hear banging on your wall.

"Say my name!"




"I'm gonna c-"

Hatchin moans.

You were terrified. 'Bitch WTF?' You thought. Then you ran the hell outta your room to the meditating room. You panted. And couldn't believe what in the hell you just heard. You needed to get out of there because you couldn't focus. Who knows the we're probably gonna wake you up with round 2 in the morning. You will never look at Hatchin or Shikamaru the same again.

An hour later you went back to room and you didn't hear anything from Hatchins room but small snores. As you passed her room up she left a Crack open. Peeked in and saw Shikamaru and Hatchin Cuddling up naked. You shivered as you quietly walked to your room.

You started to read that book again. You wanted to become really powerful and surpass Lady Kyoshi to be on Kage level.

You heard a ping sound on your window. You starred at it. For a second you didn't hear it so you just looked back at your book. But then you heard it again. 'Ping....Ping.......Ping.' You decided to go check out what it was from your window.

It was Sasuke....

You got excited as you opened up your hatch. Sasuke kneeled on the big cherry blossom tree branch next to your room. "Sasuke-kun, hurry come in." You wafted your hands.

He jumped inside and hugged you. You hugged him back. "I missed you." He said broke the hug. You sat on your bed "you have to be really quite in here because I'm not the only one that can do sesmic sense here." You went up to close your door.

"I just wanted to see you again." Sasuke said as he pulled you close by the waist. You still held your book, Sasuke felt it between his stomach. He took out of your grasp. "What's this? Hadoken 101?" He read the title. "Yea, I found it in the spirit world's library. It's extremely old though." You said. *Yawn* you covered your mouth. You eyes were getting really drowsy.

"Hey, your getting very tired. You should get some rest." Sasuke said laying you down. You laid down on your bed and your eyes half lidded. Sasuke was about to got out of your window. Until you said something. "Sasuke, please stay with me.." you said sleeply. Sasuke starred at you for a while. Then walked over slowly to you bed and laid down. "Goodnight Y/N." He kissed you in your forehead and pulled you close to his chest hugging you tight. "Goodnight Sasuke." You wrapped your arms around him and laid next to his chest. You fell fastly asleep to the sound of his heart beat, and his warmth. He also fell fastly asleep because he was comfortably cuddling up with his Y/N.

(Hey sorry if this thing was corny and stuff, but I have no experience with a romantic relationship 😂 I'm probably not even good at lemons. But If someone could write on for me on this I'll give creds. 💕💕 and make you Co author if you want to ig.)


I woke up to the smell of good food, and birds chipping through my window. I slowly got up and opened my eyes. As I sat up in bed I turned to my right. Sasuke was gone. I knew he had to go back to Orochimaru's hidden cave, and he didn't want to get caught by my family.

I got up out of my bed hearing a small chatter come from the dining room. I walked to the kitchen and got me some pho beef soup. (IDk. My mom makes me it sometimes for breakfast.) I went to sit down at the dining table and I saw only Hatching and Shikamaru across from me. They were flirting until they noticed me. "Oh good morning y/n. How was your sleep?" She asked. Just when she asked me that I remembered what they did last night and made an evilish smirk. "Oh I could barely sleep. Maybe it was all the banging and moaning coming from your room." I said pretending like I didn't know what was going on.

Shikamaru and Hatchin nervously looked at each other. "Oh we were just dying of laughter watching a movie." Shikamaru said.

"Did you use a condom??" I chuckled.

"Hahaha! Oh Shika, don't have to do that escort mission?" Hatchin dragged Shikamaru out of the door.

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