Chapter 9

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"Psssst. Niall." Someone says, waking me up. I am way to tired to open up my eyes, so i act like i'm still sleeping.

"What!?" Niall asks, sitting up slightly.

"Go into James room." Greg I'm assuming, said.

"Whyyyy?" He whines.

"Parents woke up and their coming soon! They will flip if they find you two were sleeping in the same bed."

"Why?" Niall repeats himself. "Like you guys say, i'm like her brother." He said touching my side.

"People say that about me, and James because he actually is. Niall you haven't talked to her in three years! No offense but everyone knows you guys aren't close anymore. Heck, you ignored her the last years you were here before you left!"

"Yeah but were friends now." He says trying to defend himself.

"What? Now that she is a skinny model!" Greg raises his voice.

I know most people just use me for that, but i thought Niall was different. I guess i was wrong.

"N... No i ju-"

"Save it Niall, there is no way out! You think you can just come back and win her over?" He says even louder, almost screaming.

"I just want to show her i have changed." He says, almost a whisper.

"Niall she has changed too! She's not the same outgoing girl she was as a kid!" Greg yells again.

"I can change her back." He says with confidents.

Greg laughs a rudely before responding. "Why in the world would she open up to the one person who made her change!?" He says loudly and harshly.

Wait. How does Greg know about the day Niall left? Surely that's what he has to be talking about cause its true. The day Niall left was the day i changed, he was the resin i changed. Still, i have not told anyone about that night so how does he know?

"What?" Niall asks obviously confused.

"You wanna know why she is so skinny?" Dont say it Greg, i swear i-

"Shes anorexic Niall, shes fucken anorexic! Shes even thrown up a few times! she was getting better, but i think she is going under again." He started off yelling then got softer.

I cant believe he just told Niall! Guess who is getting the silent treatment for the next week.

"I'm sorry, i didn't kn-"

"BullShit! Your the reason she started! Right before you left what you said to her broke her! And now that your back that's probably why it's happening again!" He says in realization. "You either help her or you can't see her, it's for her own health.

"What did i say that broke her?" Niall said, sounding like he is in his own world.

"Why don't you ask her." Greg says, pointing to me.

I opened my eyes when Greg told Niall, they have not noticed tell now. Greg is leaving and Niall is now looking at me with worried eyes.

He is not wearing a shirt. Why isn't he wearing a shirt? Was he not wearing one when we went to bed? I know i probably look like a freak staring at his chest, but he hasn't noticed so i quick look back to his eyes.

"Hi." I say awkwardly

"How much did you here?" He asks.

"All of it." I look down.

"What did i do?" Wow he does not waist anytime.

"I liked you, the whole last year you were here."

"And i ignored you that time. I am so stupid!" He puts his face in his hands.

"No it's okay, i was a kid it's fine." I say trying to make my self sound less stupid.

"What else did i do?"

"What?" I ask

"Come on, you could not have became that sad just by me ignoring you."

"Well, you remember the day you left?" I say annoyed i have to relive the dreadful, embracing day.

"Yeah?" Obviously he doesn't remember what he said, so i have to repeat it.

"I told you i liked you. Then you called me fat and ugly and yeah." I say slowly, trying not to get sad.

"I am so sorry!" He says hugging me, really tight.

"Why are you smiling?" I say laughing once he let go.

"Because i feel better, i don't remember that at all. I mean it's bad i don't, but i don't think i could live with myself if i remembered, the guilt would eat me alive."

"Its fine."

"I hope we can still be friends?"

"Course, we already are! Your not full of yourself anymore and you don't remember saying those things, so at least you didn't live with that for three years. But why did you not talk to me?" I ask the question i have been dying to know forever.

"Well i guess we weren't close when i left was the big part. And you never came up when James and Greg did."

It was true, James and Greg saw him a lot and aways asked me to go with them. So i guess it wasn't all his fault.

"Sorry." I mutter. ?

"It's okay." He says moving a hair out of my face.

"Since were already friends. Maybe we could go further." He says putting his face right in front of mine.

What is he saying? I just got okay with the fact that he is back and now i have no idea what he is doing. Scratch that i do know. He is trying to kiss me.

"Like best friends?" I try to joke, backing up so my back is against the head of the bed.

"Not exactly." He smirks, crawling up so he is straddling me and his face is right back were it was.

He closes his eyes and was about to move forward. To my surprise, i was about to do the same. Until i remembered someone.

"Sam. My boyfriend." I say looking down to the side so he could not kiss me.

"But i'm Niall Horan!" He says standing up. I just shake my head as he gets mad and turns around. Really, by saying his name he expected me to just throw myself at him?

"Wait!" I say as he was touching the doorknob. He turns around with a little hope in his eyes.

"You got a little bit of dick on your chin." I smirk as he huffs and storms out of the room.

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