Chapter One

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Brightly colored lights surrounded me. Music blasted so loudly, I was sure to go deaf by the end of the night. My feet shuffled around as I did my best to continue dancing. The alcohol I consumed made my head foggy, but I was still alert. Despite the suffocating crowd of beautiful girls and handsome boys, I could hear a faint chant in a far off room.

"Chug! Chug! Chug!" A crowd cheered.

My curiosity got the best of me and I pushed past the bodies grinding around me. The hallway to the next room was short, and I made my way into the living room.

As I walked down the hall, a girl stopped me and got close to my face. "Oooohhh, Nathan...wanna dance?"

Her hair was a bit messy, her eyelids droopy, and her breath smelt like a bar.

I took her hands off of my shirt. "Not really."

I continued to walk. As I reached the end of the hallway, I stood in a crowd of boys and girls probably just as messed up as I was.

They cheered. "Chug! Chug! Chug!"

On top of a wooden coffee table stood the owner of the house, attempting to chug, what looked to be, an eighth bottle of beer. He had beach blonde hair, light skin, and blue eyes. He wore a plain white shirt that had, what was mostly likely, a beer stain, and blue jeans.

"Chug! Chug! Chug!"

I watched as he got through one-fourth of the bottle. He kept going. I began to cheer with the crowd.

"Chug! Chug! Chug!"

Half of the bottle gone.

"Chug! Chug! Chug!"

Three-fourths of the bottle gone. He was so close.

"Chug! Chug! Chug!"

The crowd watched in awe, but it was too much for the guy. He moved the bottle away from his mouth and hopped off the table gagging. The crowd began to disperse in disappointment. A few patted him on the back, as he was still bent over. One boy took the bottle from his hand and took a swig.

I walked up to him. "Dean, you were this close." I pinched my fingers together to look like they were almost touching.

He looked up and began to stand up straight. "Nathan? I thought you weren't coming?"

"Changed my mind. Couldn't let you and Adrian have all the ladies...or gents," I winked.

He smirked, "Well then, enjoy yourself. And don't pass out before midnight."

He walked off right after that.


I wandered around Dean's house and ended up finding Adrian at the top of the stairs. He was making out with his boyfriend, Henry.

Adrian had light skin, black hair, and almond shaped, brown eyes. He wore a black tank top with the words "Come at me, bro" in blue, and beach shorts. His boyfriend was tan, with brown hair and blue eyes. He wore a dark blue hoodie with jeans.

"Hey, Adrian," I greeted.

He turned around, "Can't you see I'm busy."

"Good to see you too."

"I'm kidding. Wassup, bro."

"Just trying to get wasted as usual."

"Well, have fun with that," Adrian turned back around and proceeded to attack his boyfriend's lips.

With that I continued to walk.


I walked for what seemed like hours, but that's what seven beers will do to people. I couldn't remember what exactly happened, but it was about 11:17pm when I decided to get wild. I stood on a coffee table somewhere I don't remember, and danced. My brain was hazy but I caught a glimpse of Heather and her boyfriend Zack. The king and queen of the school. Zack is very muscular with light skin, electric blue eyes, and black hair. He wore a clean white shirt and some black pants. Zack, despite having a girlfriend, flirted with all the women. He wasn't discreet about it either. Heather had pale skin, golden eyes, and curly raven black hair. She had a pure white dress with a gold chain necklace. She always smelled like she walked out of the perfume department in Macy's. They walked farther into the house and I continued dancing.

Moments later I heard everyone chanting, "3!"

I took a drink, "2!"

I got ready, "1!"

"Happy New Year!" I shouted with the crowd. Everyone cheered and continued going wild. Streamers came down and I was drenched with glitter. The last thing I remember was downing beer from a red solo cup and staring at a pair of hazel eyes before passing out.

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