Chapter Two

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Second semester of junior year in high school. Back to boring uniforms with white polos, black sweaters, and tan uniform pants. I had French with Alina. Alina was by far the most beautiful girl in school. She had perfect golden skin, warm, whiskey brown eyes, and wavy, chocolate brown hair that was usually hidden in a hijab. The only time she didn't cover her hair was when it was too hot, but she looked just as beautiful. Her makeup was always perfect with eyeliner so sharp, it could cut a man. Not only was gorgeous, but she was also very cunning. If someone crossed her, she would strike them down herself.

"So Nathan, I'll see you after school for practice," Alina leaned on my desk as class finished.

Today was the first day of practice for the spring musical, Phantom of the Opera. I, of course, got picked to be the phantom. I was always the star of the show in every play we've had. Since I am amazing.

"Of course," I said.


Lunch time, my favorite time of the day. My parents gave me $20 to buy a sandwich, some chips, and a water bottle. After purchasing my food in a very long line, I walked out of the cafeteria to find my group. The sun was out and there was a slight breeze. Dozens of kids sat outside in the open area. I scanned the area to find my group sitting on a table in the far corner underneath a tree. As I came closer I noticed my twin friends, Adrian and Amelia, arguing.

I walked over behind them. "What is it this time?"

Amelia looked at me, with the identical eyes as her brother's, "Food as always."

She has black hair like her brother's except in a pixie cut with small streaks of purple. Her skin was also paler than her brother's. They may be identical, but they were polar opposites. Adrian was always the carefree beach boy, but Amelia was the aggressive badass girl.

"She's just jealous because mom forgot to pack her kimchi," Adrian teased Amelia.

"Adrian, I swear to god," She threatened.

I tuned out their bickering to look around the table and sat down. Hassan sat next to Adrian. He was on his phone as always, just texting away. He had golden skin, black hair, and chocolate eyes. Hassan was the social butterfly with millions of followers in every social media site.

There was one more person that sat to the right, but I didn't know who they were. They had beige skin and curly auburn brown hair. They tapped their fork on a plastic container.

I looked at the group and cleared my throat, "Um, would anyone like to introduce me to the new person at the table?"

Amelia looked up, "Oh right. Nathan this is Emily." She gestured with her hand towards Emily.

She looked up with hazel eyes and waved.

"Sup," I said.

"She can't talk," Amelia added.

I made a face, "What?"

"She's mute, dude." Adrian said and he shoved a fork full of white rice in his mouth.

I looked at Emily, "How?"

She looked at Amelia and made some gestures with her hands. Then she stared back at me.

"Vocal cord deformity." Amelia answered.

I stared at her and then back at Emily, and then back at Amelia.

Amelia must have seen my confused look because she answered my other question, "I took sign language for two years."

"Why'd you transfer in the middle of the year?" I asked.

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