Chapter Five

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Ever since I hung out with Emily that day, we've been working better as partners. Rehearsals have gone smoothly to the point where I could easily slip into my next outfit in under a minute. We've also been hanging out more frequently for the past three weeks, and I've taken the initiative to learn sign language in my, very rare, free time.

I burst through the side doors where Amelia, Hassan, and Emily were waiting. First, Amelia helped me put on my shirt, Hassan gave me my sword, then Emily opened the jacket for me.

She slipped on my jacket and I turned toward her with my arms open, "How do I look?"

She gave two thumbs up.

"What does that mean?" I teased her.

She rolled her eyes and pointed at me. Then made a fist and knocked on her head.

"You're an idiot."

"Yes, but I'm your idiot." I said proudly, before realizing what I just said.

I felt blood rush to my cheeks and I quickly said, "Okay, got to go bye!" Then rushed out the side doors.


After practice I went to go find Emily in the hallway. Good news: I found her. Bad news: I also found Heather. She looked pissed off and was yelling at Emily. Thankfully, Alina was there and stood next to Emily. I walked close to hear there conversation.

"Look Emily, if I ever find out that you went near Zack again, I will ruin your life," Heather practically growled.

"Leave her alone, Heather. Zack was the one who was flirting with her, not the other way around," Aline argued.

"Shut it, Lord Voldemort. I wasn't talking to you," Heather snapped.

I saw fire erupt in Alina's eyes as she stepped in front of Emily, "Don't. Call. Me. That."

Alina and Heather haven't really gotten along since the school's beauty pageant. There was a three way tie between them and another girl, and Alina promised the judge a date with her friend...Helen I think? Alina cheated, but Heather and the other contested bribed the judge just the same. They just didn't offer a prize as good as Alina's. The three hated each other ever since.

I walked over there to stop the fight about to go down, "Hey Emily, I was looking for you...What's going on?"

Heather walked towards me and jabbed me with her manicured finger, "Keep your servant away from my boyfriend."

"She's not my servant. She's my friend," I snapped.

Heather laughed, "You're the most pretentious theater kid in the school. You're nothing but a selfish asshole who only cares about what your next line is."

My hands clenched into fists, "At least when I act like a bitch, it's just for a character."

Her smile faded, "What did you just say?"

"Well, if you're going deaf, you could learn sign language from Emily," I smirked.

She took one step forward and glared at me, "Watch your back Nathan."

Heather spun on her heel and walked off towards the doors.

"Nice going Nathan," Alina looked impressed.

"We can't get in trouble remember. Or else we get kicked out of the play. Can't do my play without my best group," I said.

Alina rolled her eyes while Emily just shrugged, but she seemed a little shaken.

"Hey Emily, don't worry about her. She's all bark and no bite." I assured her.

She gave a small smile.

"Ready to get to your house?" I chimed.


Emily hosted a little study/relax session in her house with our group for working hard on the play. Hassan, Alina, Hector, Adrian, and Amelia were all invited, but Adrian had to go visit Henry. He got a concussion from playing football when one struck him in the head from behind. Adrian has been worried ever since. Emily and I ordered pizza, cleaned her living room, and set up some dvds.

"You know this the first party I've been to without consuming alcohol," I stated.

Emily typed on her phone, "I figured when I saw you at that party".

"What party?" I said confused.

She spelled out the letters "J", "A", and "N", then held up her index finger.

My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets, "You were there!"

She nodded.

"How did you see me?"

She typed "You made yourself pretty recognizable when you were dancing on the table".

I ran my hand down my face in embarrassment and looked at the marble island in her kitchen. I was so drunk I only had a fuzzy memory of that.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and was met with her phone screen, "For the record, I thought your dancing was good".

She was smirking.

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