Chapter Four

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"Who am I?."

I ask this Rebecca woman, she smirks and as shes about to say something. Two men come out of nowhere, with Taylor.

I cant believe my own eyes. I stare with my mouth wide opened, with no words coming out of them.

"My lord, we found this human lurking in the woods."

One of them says. Taylor looks up, spots me and runs towards me. Expecting someone to stop her I look at all the people around us.

Surprisingly, no one stops her and she runs into my arms. I have no idea what I'm doing.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you?."

I whisper to her. I can feel shes scared. I say to her

"You're safe now, they wont hurt you. I promise."

Knowing fully well I was lying. I look at Rebecca and that evil grin is still on her face.

"Well, well; young love. You invited your girlfriend too, does mummy know youre here?" She says.

I try my possible best to make an evil face, immediately her grin disappears. I guess she took the hint.

"Let her go, she has nothing to do with this."

I say, having the feeling that wasnt gonna happen.

"Shes not going anywhere" Rebecca says. I sigh and whisper to Taylor.

"Its gonna be okay."

She looks at me, smiles and like she knew what I was thinking says.

"I'm okay Jay, I'm not scared."

I know shes lying but I say nothing, and hold her tighter in my arms.

"Let her go, i'll give you anything you want."

I say to her. The evil smirk returns to her face and she says.

"Brave, and stupid; like your father. Youre gonna give us what we want, whether you want to or not."

I sigh and say my prayers silently.

She faces some ugly looking men, they're huge too; but not as huge as scarface. Yep! You heard me right, scarface; thats what I'm gonna call him.

"Chain them up, we're leaving."

Those are the last words I hear before I blackout.

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I open my eyes, my head feels like its about to split open. I curse and sit up. I look around me, I see Taylor still knocked out beside me.

I feel like we're in a moving vehicle, I'm guessing its a minivan. I wanna kick and punch and scream, but I know it wont do nothing. So I stay put. I check my pocket for my phone, and its gone. I check Taylors too, nothing there. I curse and give up hope while the journey to whereever continues....

Three hours go by, and we're still moving. Suddenly, the van stops. I hit my head and moan in pain. I hear someone scream from outside the van, then a thud on the floor. Someones coming, I say to myself; I hear footsteps approaching us. Without much force, someone opens the door of the van, and surprisingly, its the man from my house.

"You, who are you?." I ask

"I'm the man thats gonna save you, now get your ass up."

Jay Walker - The True Hybrid.Where stories live. Discover now