Part 5

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As the blood moon hovered in the night sky; Chase, ears flowing in the wind, drove as fast as he could to reach his destination. Skye was quiet in the back, a lot of things going through her mind.

"This night... It's a complete nightmare." She said aloud. "I keep hoping, hoping that I'll wake up and all of us will be back at the lookout. That Rubble will still be with us..."

Although Chase had said that he wanted to talk to her about something, he couldn't bring himself to. Too many thoughts were running through his mind as well. Would Ryder be ok? Would the others be safe? Would he be able to save anyone at all? And most importantly, would he be able to protect Skye? He was working up the courage to say something until Skye continued.

"And I can't help but wonder, which one of us will be next..." She said.

Her last statement really hit Chase hard. He didn't know how to respond to that. How could he truly assure her that everything would be alright.

"Skye... the thought of losing you..." he swallowed. "Scares me. That's not to say that I don't care about the others, but I really care about you..." Chase said.

"Aww Chase, that's so sweet. I care about you too." replied Skye, completely oblivious to what he truly meant.

Chase huffed, continuing to focus on the road. "Skye, what I wanted to talk to you about... I REALLY care about you." Chase emphasized.

"Chase, you said that alread-"

"I care about you more than myself." he unintentionally interrupted.

Skye was now finally starting to get the picture of what he was saying.

Chase's face was flushed red as he took a deep breath and continued. "I think of you everyday. I worry myself to death whenever you're in trouble. I kept your old bathing cap just because it smells like you. Wait... Ignore that last part. The best part of my days are the times we get to hang out. I love when we play Pup Pup Boogie together. I love when we go on missions and me and you pair up. I love your smile and laugh and the way you do flips. I love everything about you Skye." Chase finished, out of breath as Mr. Porter's house began to come into view.

Skye sat there a little dumbfounded.

"Because I love you." Chase said as he gained his breath back.

Chase's last statement caused Skye's eyes to shoot open as memories came flooding back to her.

Skye! Skye, I'm glad you're ok!

Skye you're safe! N-Not that I was worried or anything.

Ryder she made it! Skye made it!

Be careful Skye!

Chase was worried about you Skye.

These memories caused realization to set on Skye. Chase... She thought, at a loss for words. In her mind she had never really considered anyone on her team to be more than just a friend; but for some reason, Chase confessing these feelings for her made her feel something towards him.

Chase nervously waited for her to say something. Anything. Instead he was greeted by a tight hug from behind him. Skye embraced him tightly, small drops of tears hanging onto her eyes. Chase's cheeks bursted with red color again but he quickly relaxed himself.

Skye ended the embrace as the two pulled into Mr. Porter's yard and stared at the house before them. For some strange reason, many crows were perched atop the house. The birds seemed to watch the two as they slowly stepped out of the cruiser. As the two pups looked from the outside, they couldn't help but notice that no lights were on in the inside.

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