Part 6

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Marshall was flying down the road in his EMT truck. His eyes may have been fixed on the road but his mind was in an entirely different location. He was supposed to be with Chase right now. Not that he had a problem with Zuma or anything. It's just that if he had to die, he would rather it be by Chase's side. Instead, Skye would be the one by Chase's side and under his protection. Marshall knew exactly what Chase wanted to talk to her about and he couldn't help feeling a little hurt at the fact that Chase switched him out. Ryder told Chase to pair up with him. Chase had never undermined Ryder's orders before, but now here he was, undermining orders just to be with Skye. Thinking of this caused Marshall to let out a huge sigh.

"Mawshall! You ok dude?!" Marshall was knocked out of his thoughts by the chocolate lab driving up beside him.

"Yeah." Marshall replied. "I was just kinda lost in thought there..."

"I hear ya. I can't stop thinking about Wocky..." Zuma said, the worry clear in his eyes.

"I'm worried about everyone..." Said Marshall. "We don't know what happened to Rocky, we don't know what happened to Ryder, we don't even know what's gonna happen to us. Losing Rubble was hard enough and I-I...I just don't know how much more of this I can take..." Zuma just stared sadly at the Dalmatian. Marshall wasn't the only one feeling this way. They all felt the same. The walls were closing in; Sealing off all hope that might've been shining through the crevices. This nightmare night was taking its toll.

"I know what you mean... We didn't do anything wrong. We don't deserwve this... any of this." Zuma answered. The drive to Cap'n Turbot's seemed to go on forever. The two couldn't help but wonder how the others were doing.

Skye sat outside of the Porter's house watching the crows. The black birds seemed to stare at the cockapoo in an eerie fashion. Skye started to feel slightly uneasy as more Crows began to gather and land atop the Porter's house. Even though these birds weren't eagles, she still got that certain shiver from them. On top of being creepy, they were still bigger than her. She moved a shaky paw to tap her pup-tag.

"Ch-Chase, have you found them yet?" She asked.

"No. Not yet." Replied the shepherd searching the house. He looked from side to side. "My goggles picked up two heat signatures; but now that I'm in the house, I can't seem to see them anymore." He sighed. "Not only that, but I can't seem to focus. I keep thinking about what might've happened to Rocky... I just wish there was a way to see where he is." An idea suddenly came to Chase's mind. "That's it! Skye! Use my drone. Launch it and tell it to find Rocky." Chase told her through his pup-tag. "You should be able to see everything the drone sees on the monitor." Skye nodded and she quickly ran back to Chase's spy cruiser. She looked confused at all the various buttons on the control panel.

"Ok... Now how do you work this thing?" She said to herself. She's seen Chase work it a few times, but not enough times to have it completely memorized. She tapped a few random buttons and the holder for the drone extended from the top of the vehicle. "Nailed it!" She said triumphantly. "Arf! Deploy drone! Launch!" She commanded. The drone shot out from the holder and began to soar in the air, flying in circles. Skye watching this, tilted her head a little confused. "Why isn't it going anywhere?" She stared at it for a few more seconds before she mentally smacked herself. "Oh... That's right." She muttered out. She remembered that she has to give the drone a command after its launched. "Find Rocky!" She yelled into the air. The drone registered the command and quickly took off into the distance. Skye turned her attention back to the monitor on the back of Chase's vehicle. She watched the view through the surveillance of the drone, looking for any sign or sight of her friend.

Back inside the Porter's house, Chase was sniffing around the hallways until he picked up a familiar scent.

"This is Alex's scent." He said to himself. He followed the scent through the hallway until he came to a hatch embedded into the floor. Chase opened the hatch to find stairs that led to some kind of dark basement. He winced as the smell of burning flesh filled his nose. "This doesn't seem like a good sign..." He said, walking down the stairs. "Their scent is strong down here. Were they trying to hide?" Chase stepped onto the basement floor and saw a furnace against the wall. He continued to sniff the floor looking for clues, but the floor was so dusty that he immediately started sneezing. His nose led him to the furnace, where the smell of burning flesh, along with the scent of the Porter's was the strongest. Chase got a bad feeling in his stomach as he walked closer to the furnace. He sniffed near the flames and his eyes became wide. He looked around the basement for anything that he could fill with water. He grabbed a nearby pail atop a dusty table and ran to the nearest source of water to fill it up. After doing so, he ran back into the basement and up to the furnace. He doused the water into the furnace and the large flames sizzled out making smoke cover the room. Chase covered his muzzle with his arm and let out a few coughs.

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