Part 2

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PAW Patrol, to the lookout." Ryder said, as the six pup's tags began to flash. After a few minutes had passed, all six drowsy members were in their designated spots awaiting orders.

"PAW Patrol ready for action Ryder sir." Chase announced with a light yawn while wearing his spy gear.

"Uhh... guys? What's with the moon?' Zuma said as he stared out of the tower windows at the red glowing sphere.

"Th-Th-That's a... a.... BLOOD MOON!" shouted Rubble in a panic.

"A blood moon? Oh no."

"I'm weally scared now..."

"Super Chase didn't sign up for THIS!"

"...What's a blood moon?"

All the pup's turned to face Marshall.

"What? ...I think the moon looks good in red." He replied happily.

Rubble faced palmed himself. "Marshall, blood moons mean that something bad is about to happen!"

"Oh..." replied the Dally as his ears drooped.

"Pups, we need to focus on the mission." Ryder announced, bringing everyone's attention back. Ryder tapped his pup-pad and brought up the big screen display. "I received an emergency call from Mayor Goodway not too long ago. She seemed really distressed. She wouldn't stop crying and kept repeating Chickaletta over and over." He said while a cartoon image of a crying Mayor Goodway appeared on the big screen. "I couldn't make out anything else she was saying, but if I had to guess, I would say that Chickaletta must be in some kind of trouble." He pressed another button on his pup-pad and all six pup-tags appeared on the screen. "Since we don't have many details, we'll go ahead and have all paws on deck just in case."

"Great! Now some of us won't have to be left here alone." Rubble replied slightly relieved, gaining a nod from a few of the others.

"Alright! PAW Patrol is on a roll!" Ryder shouted, pumping his fist in the air. However right after finishing his catchphrase, all power within the lookout was unexpectedly shut off.

"Those who gaze upon the moon as I pass, shall soon find that night to be their last..." The mysterious voice rang around the room of the lookout.

"AAAHHHH! I don't wanna die!" Rubble screamed as he ran off with tears in his eyes.

"Rubble wait!" Ryder called out to him.

Rubble had enough. He sprinted to the slide and slid out of the lookout. Unbeknownst to him, the rotation mechanism had rotated and moved Skye's pup-house to the end of the slide. Skye's pup-house transformed into her copter and the propeller blades began to spin at an incredible speed. The others saw this from the tower window and tried desperately to call out to the bulldog. Nearing the end of the slide, Rubble's ears picked up the sound of the propeller.

"AHHHHH! That's not my rig!" he yelled as he frantically tried to move his paws as fast as he could and climb back up the slide... but to his disadvantage, his paws could not grip the slide. With tears in his eyes he called for help. "RYYYDE-"



The group watched in horror as fur, skin, flesh, and bones were torn apart from the bulldog's body, piece by piece from the bottom up. When nothing was left, the propeller blades slowed down and came to a complete stop. They were coated with blood and fleshy remains. Crimson covered entrails decorated the copter, slide, grass, and concrete. Rubble's pup-tag and collar were laid on the ground shimmering in red with a chunk of the bulldog's neck fur attached to it.

Skye bursted into a painful heart wrenching cry.

Marshall sat with his hands on his head, eyes wide, frozen in shock with tears dripping down his cheeks.

Rocky held his mouth to stop himself from spewing vomit while his tears flowed freely.

Zuma and Chase were looking away bawling their eyes out.

Ryder himself just stood their motionless as he dropped his pup-pad to the floor. "I... don't understand. How could that have happened?" he asked staring into space. "This...can't be... real." He fell to his knees and covered his face with his hands, letting out sob after sob.

Mayor Goodway was still weeping uncontrollably in the dark at the spot where a deceased Chickaletta lay. "Ryder, please hurry!" she wailed through tears. The lights began to flicker on and off again repeatedly.

"Those who gaze upon the moon as I pass, shall soon find that night to be their last..." spoke the familiar voice.

"NooOOOOO!" she screamed as she ran towards the front door. She tried to turn the knob, but found that it would not budge. She heard heavy footsteps coming from the kitchen, but when she turned her head to face the direction; no one was there. She kept her eyes peeled in the same direction as the footsteps sounded as if they were coming closer and closer. Mayor Goodway backed up against the front door, still waiting to see the source of the footsteps when suddenly... they stopped. The Mayor was panting and breathing heavily. She closed her eyes as she tried to relax her breathing and calm herself. She opened her eyes and screamed. "OOOoooaaaughhhhh!"

There before her stood a man dressed in pirate attire. He had a black beard that was drenched in blood, a sharp bloody hook that was shaped much like a curved knife, an eye patch over one eye, and the other eye was just a red eyeball which had neither an iris nor pupil. Before the Mayor could finish her scream, the mysterious man cut it short as he jabbed his hook deep into her neck and quickly but smoothly ripped it open. Crimson waves began to spew from the mayor's neck, staining her purely white night gown and trickle from her mouth while her head tilted back as if it was a can opened by a can opener. Before her now lifeless body was able to hit the floor, the mysterious murderer vanished.

PAW Patrol: Blood Moon MassacreWhere stories live. Discover now