Don't Give Up On Us Now (Sequel to The New Berry)

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Here is the highly anticipated sequel of The New Berry.

TNB was so popular with you guys so I really hope this isn't a disappointment for you guys since I love reading your comments and seeing when people vote for my stuff.



The summer had been so long. Ryley Berry spent a lot of in New York, spending time with her sort of sister, Rachel and her cousin, Blaine Anderson along with Rachel's fiancée, Finn Hudson, Blaine's boyfriend, Kurt Hummel and their friend, Santana Lopez.

Ryley had also brought with her to New York her boyfriend of over a year, Ryder Lynn and her best friend, Angie McGraw.

But her time in New York couldn't last forever. She spent a lot of time with the now ex-New Directions members, Kitty Wilde, Marley Rose, Jake Puckerman, Blake Goodman, Natalie Goodman, Benny Summers, Elliot Moore and Gabe Hanratty.

Ryley was planning to bring the Glee club back with some fundraisers and sponsoring. She had to prove to Figgins that the New Directions belong at McKinley for now and the future generations.

This wasn't going to be easy.


The hallways of McKinley were empty, clean and quiet. No one was in them but in a few minutes, students will be flowing through the school, going to lockers and heading to their first classes of the year.

And the minutes passed and students rushed inside. They were catching up with friends they didn't get to hang out with during the summer, planning what extra activities they'll be doing this year and getting ready for their first classes on the year.

Ryley walked up to the same locker she had last year that was hers again. She opened it up and took out her books for her first classes of the day.

Two hands then covered her sight and she smiled. She instantly knew it was Ryder.

"Ryd?" Ryley asks.

"No." Ryder says, making his voice deeper.

"I know it's you." Ryley says.

The two hands move away from her face, "Okay. You win."

Ryley turns around and kisses him. It lasts a while but they stop to breath.

"Hi." Ryley says with a smile.

"Hi." Ryder says with a grin.

"What've you got first?" Ryley asks.

"History with Schue," Ryder says, "You?"

"Spanish with Mr Martinez." Ryley says.

"I'll walk with you to class then." Ryder says, taking her hand in his. She uses her other hand to lock her locker then the two walk off to Ryley's class then Ryder's.


At lunch, Ryley and Ryder sit with Gabe, Angie, Jake, Marley, Blake and Natalie.

"Any ideas to bring back the Glee club, Rye?" Angie asks.

"Do any of you guys know a good drug dealer? We could do some deals and earn some cash." Ryley says with a joking tone.

"Yeah my dad is." Angie says.

"Seriously?" Ryley asks.

"No." Angie says with a grin.

Don't Give Up On Us Now (Sequel to The New Berry)Where stories live. Discover now