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The very next morning I was getting ready for school,there is this very mysterious door that is creaking open not sure by who or what but I throw out a very hideous shout giving it a threaten to leave if not I will use my powers or sense of powers on it. The thing or whatever it is gives me a nasty snarl so by then I could tell it was not very happy with me at the moment.

"Oh princess I may hurt you a lil bit, but you deserve it, you shouldn't be with that nasty Levi he's just using your pretty little body that you should be covering up, but by my all means go ahead and show it off but if someone else gets into it."

There was a sudden pause right as he said that, like it would be him to do that to me. I don't know who this thing is or what he wants with me but he don't sound very pretty by his devil voice speaking out.

"Please pay attention to what I am telling you."

Why is he trying to help me know is he. Trying to save me from Levi? Is Levi some creature that I'm not familiar with will he hurt me or tourtière me if I continue on with his amazingly body?

Stop it Kalley!! That isn't true at all. For myself to get that thought out of my head I had to slap myself silly on the face, or pinch my arm until it looked like a dragon just blew fierce burning fire unto my arm. You know he won't hurt you, if he does it would for sure be an accident.

"Madam please!"


The last time I was called that was when I got to my new school and the teacher begged me to introduce me beautiful name even thought he knew it but insisted I give out my information, even though my class didn't seem interested in me except this one kid named,

Oh come on Kalley you sit right beside him in algebra.

Troy, that's his name he is to dream for a big redneck country boy his smile, woah pulls you towards him!

"Please pay attention if not you won't know what to do."

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because I'm not a bad devil, I'm just a devil I did something bad very bad that turned me this way, for me to go back to my angel body I have to help someone, and your my someone."

He smiles at me, you could tell he hasn't brushed his teeth in a very long time they were yellow like you just painted the yellow lines on his teeth, they were nasty I wanted to throw up it looked like he just ate guts of a animal and let it dry on his teeth.

"How long do you have to help me?"

"I have a month left."

"Do you by chance have a tooth brush where you live well once this spell goes away my perfect white teeth will come back I had the best teeth in the squad that was one of my punishments because I loved them so much I brushed every time I got done eating something!"

"Gross no offense!"

"Oh I'm not it's alright I get disgusted with them also that's why I'm not much of a smiler!"

"Would you be mad if I asked what you did that made you this way?"

"Oh heavens no."


It was a windy cold evening I was outside my cabin minding my own business, my crabby neighbor comes by my place asking me if I had a flour she could use she was always in my business she was such a nosey lady they only way she can be happy is ruining others lives my friend is or was an entrepreneur until she spread some lies saying she was stealing ideas from people, well when ever I ask to use something she's libel to everyone about it who asked her about it.

"Samuel can I use a cup of flour"

"Mrs.bunkel I never get anything in return I don't really think that would be necessary."

"Sameul I need it to bake cookies for my daughter."

"Can't you go get some at the store"

"I have no time."

"Well I will force you to give me some."

"You cannot do that in any possible way."

I didn't know that she was a witch and she couldn't just pull out that stupid wand witches walk around with them in their pockets and magically in a tap get anything they want in a second.

"So will you give it to me or do I have to get it the hard way?"

"Well if you mean walking into my house without permission then you get it the hard way."

"If you say so."

She pulls out her wand and throws out a spell I react with my safety guard that can hurt someone ten times harder than their spell can cast out, and she is an older woman so her spell is very strong, by a second that I use my safety guard I block the cast and she is confused why it isn't working and my guard didn't hit her back because the spell was weak when she cast it out, she throws out this really long cast that se slurs her words while saying it this time the cast goes an bounces off the guard and jumps back at her knocking her backward off her feet she lies silent on the dusty gravel road, the angel doctors appear right by her side and try giving her CPR then use the defibrillator on her chest but nothing seems to appear no beating nothing something pulls out of her body stops and stares at me pointing at me saying you will regret what you did to me right after she said that, she said to get back to normal you must be nice or helpful to a witch that will be very hard for your self inside a devils body after she's done I pass out on my cold deck as cold as a negative below temperature freezer. I wake up in my bed going to my bathroom about to take a shower I notice something very hideous in the mirror looking for a minute I notice that's my reflection looking back at me, I feel my prickly face it feels like I haven't shaved in two years, I look at my nails there pointy and sharp, I look at my body regretting what I did to the lady.


"It's been a year today I have one more month to be nice or helpful or I'm stuck in this body forever."

"Oh how do you plan on helping me?"

"What do you have troubles with, or having troubles with at the moment"

"Really I'm not sure!"

"How did you know I'm a witch?"

"I've been told about you."

"Oh, have you been told good stories about me?"

"Oh yes!"

"Good, how do you know about Levi?"

"He's told me about you."

"You guys talk?"

"Oh yeah him and I are good buds!"



~snuggle bear~

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