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Today was my lucky day well at least I thought it would be. I had no idea so much could even happen in one day. The worst for me. My trip to the ER. So that day Levi said he was going to hang out wth me and yes he did, but I think I scared him. 

While hanging out I tried to practice some of my magic that i'd been taught the day before on small little objects that weren't very fast, EXCEPT the stupid frog. I tried to cast a spell on him to turn him into dust but he leaped out of the way and magic doesn't work on yourself so I cast it, "Elespeanio" (thats the spell for turning objects to dust) it leaped out of the way it hit a rock, the spell came flying back at me knocked me off my feet made me unconscious, I think! I went pale not sure, that's all I remember. But I think it was a little more serious than that because during this freak accident I saw a very bright light then somebody was standing right next to me with their hand out waiting for me to take it. I was scared to I had no idea who or what it was. It gave me a little smile noded its head and said "It's okay I wont hurt you, I promise!" Had you not thought of, there was a white vision with a person standing in the middle would you take it's hand? Especially not after those nights you have been having, heck no. I started hearing my name. Kalley, psst Kalley? My vision was starting to become a blur, everything was going back to well the horrible reak of the practice room, and old bookshelves, thinking of what just happened I am thankful for the smell. Just the thought of being "Dead" scared me.. But then I thought, well I could be with Levi, forever and never have to leave. I felt like I was starting to sufocate, my chest started hurting. I was having a panic attack. Thankfully Levi standing there went to get help, dont ask how, I think the maid knows there are ghosts in this house though... I turn to look at Levi, he had a sad, blank expression, he is never sad, so I got scared wondering what might of happened. I had to shake it off because I noticed was on my way to the ER riding in the back, there he was just the face I am used to smiling, saying "It will be alright, I will be sitting on you're bed waiting for you to return, best wishes." Best wishes, what the hell is that supposed to mean? I'm not going into a coma, better not. Fianlly we arrive and nurses come a greet me with a wheelchair they try helping me I inform them I don't need help but, they weren't listening, they were putting my body into it. I was brought into immediate care. During my x-rays the only thing coming to mind was Levi, what could he possibly be thinking about this, I started to get agitated with the nurses, one came over and said, "Kalley for your sake you must keep calm.", "alright." was all I said, but in my mind I was thinking, "Well lady, I have one amazing guy waiting for me back at home, so let me get off this crazy thing, and leave." but I knew not to say it. After a half-hour my results came back, from the spell I casted without being supervised I had, broken my right leg, fractured my left knee cap, and my spinal cord moved to the right. The doctors telling the maid and my unhappy father, if I would have tried standing and bending over I could have hurt my back even more, and possibly made myself paralyzed for life. So for the next Three months I have to have casts on both legs and for Six months I get to have a back supporter on. On our drive home father was very furious with me, he told me I am grounded for a month of casting spells but not learning, everyday I still have to have class only learning.

Once we got home, I realized I'm not able to walk upstairs because I am in a wheelchair so I will be sleeping in the extra bedrooms in the main floor. I finally get into the bed and call for Levi, I have wanted to see him all day since my accident. So I call out, well in a whisper "Levi, i'm back, come see me, I need you." In about two minutes of me calling, the dreamy face showed up at my bedside. "How is my Snuggle Bear?" "What all happened?" I told him the whole story. The next thing he said shocked me... He said "Why didn't you take my hand?" I looked at him like "What the world are you talking about?" He told me "Your vision, why didn't you take my hand." I explained that the body I was was blurry so I couldn't see who it was, and the voice was different so I couldn't of noticed it. I apologized to him millions of times. By then I was yawning and very tired from the long day and adventure I was on. So I asked if I could go to bed, he asked if I wanted him to leave, I asked if he can stay the night, because I was in a room I didnt reconize. He willingly said, "Of course!"

*Im sorry everyone who is reading this. ive been moving, and had some family issues so i couldnt update like i've been wanting to, I honestly hope you enjoy this book. but thanks Love ~Snuggle Bear~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2015 ⏰

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