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The next morning at around 4:23 I wake up sweating, and kind of crying. Around me were faint whispers, fiercely been thrown at me, I turn my head into the direction of my closet to have a pair of red glowing eyes staring at me he taunts me saying,

"I'm warning you again don't make me warn again stay away from him!"

The taunt grows more fierce and angry like the red eyed glowing thing was coming at me with great force but he, or it wasn't, it was disappearing, well I thought it was but In a flash of a second and screaming sound hit me, it sounded like running through a stage when a kid doesn't want to listen to their parents. The funny thing is nobody heard anything that happened at that time, by the time I did actually calm down and start to fall asleep it was about 5:13 so I was freaked out for awhile. The next morning I woke up and walked into my bathroom that we were finishing up on, it was a casual morning until I got into the shower as I got undressed and into the shower it looked like I was scratched my an animal in the street It looked like I walked into a cat fight to break it up the marks were outlined with lines as red as its eyes, as I touched It, it burned like putting your hand over a torch, I felt like crying. After my shower I walk into my closet and take out some sweats, a sweatshirt that has Pittsburgh penguins logo on it my favorite team of all, I throw up my hair in time before I go and sit down to eat a fantastic breakfast, Ms.Roers looks at me and asks,

"Don't you want to wear the clothes I put out for you during your shower?"

I reply, "no thanks I feel to lazy to look fake today."

My mother on the other hand took that offensively because she made me say sorry, It wasn't like I was saying the clothes she picks out for me are fake, before I go into this conversation the bus honks for me, I walk out and see a GT-R parked outside me house with a kid named Troy inside and said would you like a ride beautiful I looked around and pointed at myself saying I was the only human being standing outside when he asked that, well of course why would I turn it down for gosh sakes its a GT-R he jumps out and runs to the bus and tell the bus driver I will be getting a ride, when the bus was leaving I saw a glimpse at Tina, and Carley before they turned their head in, "wow did she really just ditch us", when I get to school I'm kind of ignored by those two, I walk up to them and say "really if he asked you guys also I'm pretty sure you would say yes also so don't even go there." they just nod their heads and say "yeah I guess I would", "you guess ha", our bell rings so I gather my lame old books and head to class, unfortunately when we get into the classroom there is this new kid sitting in my seat he, I just walk up to him look at him and walk away, when our teacher Mr.Raaing walks in he has this new kid walk up to the front of the room he looks like Kellin Quinn, he is wearing a tank-top that says sleeping with sirens on it , black baggy pants that I swear go down to his ankles, black and yellow shoes that are Jordan's, his appearance is he has black longer hair, bluish green eyes, and he was tall and skinny, not going to lie he was attractive, well Troy wasn't very happy at that sight because the look we were giving each other was sparking up the room everyone noticed us having a stare down I look at him head to damnnn toe, he puts a damn girl you fine smirk on his lips, but I swore he was Kellin Quinn its scary how identical they look, but second hour we introduced ourselves, he was handsome I was going to melt for him but the thing is I had my main man, I cant be thought as the attention whore, this school is harsh if you hang with one guy then another the next your a whore, you just cant have guy friends in this school which really sucks but you just have to get past it. when I met the new kid I was shocked, then introduced, but something about him is different, he seems a lot like me and to say that I'm a witch he must be a...No that can't be that's just, NO. During lunch time I look around for him but unfortunately no luck, he must be out casting spells or something. I get this mind message from him,

"Hi we met like three hours ago, but I never mentioned my name and never got yours, I will start, I'm Nick Hagens,and you are?"

"I'm Kalley, its a pleasure to meet you!"

"You to, have you been going here long?"

"Oh not just joined here at the beginning of the year. Wait a minute before we get any farther into the conversation can anyone hear us?"

"No unless there like us!"

Like us what's that supposed to mean?

"You know I can read your mind right know how do you think were talking!"

"So your saying that I'm reading your mind, how is that possible?"

"Your a witch right?"

As I was trying to say yes, my voice squeaked so he could tell I wasn't very confident with showing who I am, I'm not very used to being pronounced that yet, but I guess it was a start.

"I can see your not a pro at being one, I haven't seen you use a single spell but this one at all."

"well you know, I haven't been taught any I need like a teacher!"

"well I think I could teach you!"

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