Vision and Wanda 1

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Android Body Human Heart

"You're safe Wanda. I'm here." Vision said comforting the distressed girl on the floor hugging her knees, tears falling down her cheeks, her makeup slightly blending in with the tears.
He caressed the tears away and lifted her chin so she would be looking up at him. He smiled down at her, he didn't know why but every time he looked at her he felt this strange feeling in his stomach. He didn't even think it was possible for him to feel. But there he was trying to comfort her, feeling her sadness. He never liked seeing her like this, she deserved to smiled and be happy. Not be haunted by the nightmares that seems to never leave her alone.

"How can you protect me from this." She said waving her hand around, making the scarlet threads appear around her hand. "If it wasn't for this I wouldn't be having these ridiculous nightmares."

Vision reached out, grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips. Wanda was surprised by the sudden act of intimacy. Her mouth gaped open and she looked at where his lips touched her skin.
Vision was far from calm in the inside realizing what he did after he did it. But he didn't regret it either. He opened his eyes and looked into her shocked ones. He didn't know what to do, should he apologize, should he walk away or phase through the wall, or he could embrace it and see where it leads to. This was all new to him really, he didn't know what he was thinking when he kissed her hand, he just did it. But then again she didn't run away or pull her hand back, she wasn't angry either.

Vision decided to go with his instinct, although his mind was telling him to back away, telling him he was misreading the situation. But he still leaned in and touched his lips to hers. They were soft, warm, and wet from the tears. When she didn't move he went to pull away but then she returned the kiss, adding a little more pressure.

The kiss was sweet but also passionate, making his heart pound like a hundred horses running and his mind spark up with colors. That's when he finally realized why he always felt this way around her. It was love, devotion, passion, emotions he didn't think possible for a synthezoid to have. But Wanda made him feel so...human.

The need for air soon came and they both pulled away. Wanda looked into his blue eyes. She loved his eyes. They held so much life and love for everything. Something she wouldn't find in any other man. But they also held so much power, and his calmness that was like a balm to her sleepless nights. They made her feel safe. He made her feel safe. And it made her smile.

"You should come comfort me more often." She said softly. Vision chuckled and caressed a lock of hair behind her ear. "It took you long enough." She said to him.

"You knew?" Vision said, shocked she knew the whole time what he couldn't figure out. "It's not hard to decipher when you're an open book." She said smirking. "Why didn't you tell me?" He said. "I wanted you to figure it out. Plus you're cute when you're nervous." She told him.

Vision smiled and took her hand again. "Wanda I-, this body was not meant to feel but somehow, someway, you've made it so. Wanda, you've made me human, you've made me love." He said said so honestly. "Maybe this means I can do other things. Perhaps I can eat as well, I've never tried. Maybe I can sleep too. Do you think-"

Wanda kissed him again, effectively shutting him up. "I love you too you dork."

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