Vision and Wanda 6

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I keep making scarletvision one-shots. I think Imma write other couples. (HA she says lieng to herself).....maybe later.

It's something humans find extraordinary. It was a type of event that was surprising to humans even though it happens in their daily lives. Something that not even science can explain when it happens. Such a wonder. A mystery.

What caused miracles to happen. Was it magic? Was it God? Was it the universe?

Who or whatever caused these 'miracles' to happen, Vision would be forever grateful. Of course he was sort of a miracle himself being synthetic and all. Poeple never thought it was possible to make someone like him. They never thought him possible of feeling. They always thought he couldn't do anything really, except fight and take orders. Like a robot. Like a machine. Boy did he proof them wrong. He took it to a whole another level really. Well maybe some of it, he did have help from his love. Well, they both helped each other. But it was all her mostly.
Why, if she didn't help him in the first few months of his life he would probably still be trying to figure out what was wrong with him. It turned out to be that there was never anything wrong with him at all, he was just in love. With her. Those funny feelings he got around her, or everytime she looked at him, or anytime she smiled.

Her smiles were contagious to him. Everything of her was contagious. She smiled so did he. She cried so did he. She'd laugh so did he. She'd get angry, well, he'd stay calm and try to calm her down of course. Never feed fire to fire. Unless someone did it to harm her, then he'd get angry as well. And that wasn't pretty.

He was grateful to her. For giving him a chance. For showing him that even he can be filled with so much joy and happiness. He never cried so much as he did that day a week ago. Even now he'd still get emotional about it. The freshness of the memories still running through his head.

Sometimes he was scared that it was all a dream and he'd wake up any moment. Would he really be so cruel to himself?

They never spoke about it. Not until later after they married. At that time it was hard, especially for a young couple just wanting to love each other. Not everyone liked them together. Many poeple have tried to come in between them with threats and nasty comments. Tried to break them apart. It was hard to deal with and the team supported them when they needed it. Sometimes they both would argue about the people and it always led to one not speaking to the other the next day until one of them broke the silence. Sometimes they just laid together in silence, comforting each other.

But they fought through it. And they never looked back, never regretted anything.

Now he would smirk sometimes remembering certain memories after they chose to rebel. Moments where someone would question them again. He could feel the anger starting to boil in her, but then she would calm, and smile. And then, when they least expected it, which was almost always, she would show them how much she loved him with a kiss. She would deepen the kiss and his reaction would be the same. Then she would pull away and smile at him, take his hand and walk away leaving the person confused and uncomfortable. And he would smile, puff up with pride and let her lead the way.

And so went on their lives living happily. Nothing to stand in their way. Nothing could make it any better than that.

But he was so wrong about that!

Here he sat in their bedroom next to the window, the room dark with only the moonlight to light it's shadows. He looked at his sleeping wife of 10 years. Still so beautiful in every way. Maybe just a little bit tired than she's used to. But that was expected. She's come such a long way. He was so proud of her. He smiled, and tried to control the tears threatening to escape his eyes. He looked out the window at the night sky, though a tear found its way down his cheek. What could he do for her? He didn't know. He would give her the world and the universe for what she gave him, and even that wouldn't be enough.

He didn't hear the soft rustle of blankets behind him, so lost in the thought of wanting to give her something in return. He almost flinched when her arms wrapped around his neck from behind. Almost. The instinct to not move a muscle while they slept and he had them had sunk into his muscle memory already.

"You already gave me the world." She whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek. Hand sliding down his chest to the two sleeping bundles in his lap. She could lay her hand over both of them. They were so tiny, fragile. One of them sighed but still kept sleeping. They were very quiet little things, but still managed a loud cried when hungry. How can something so small cry so loud.

He looked up at her. Wanda. She wiped a tear from his cheek, smiling down at him. "Don't cry, darling." She said, leaving a soft kiss on his lips. Such an amazing woman, he thought. Her smile grew and she kissed him again. Then a soft cry came from his lap and they both looked down. Watching one of the bundle's eyes open and start to cry. Then the other stirred. You could tell they were twins, if one wakes so does the other. Twin boys. Their boys. Their miracles. William and Thomas. Born three weeks too early a week ago in the early hours of the morning, so small but healthy.

Vision smiled and looked up at his tired wife. "I swear it's like they can sense when I'm near and awake...and tired." She said smiling down at them. Vision chuckled and let her take the impatient Thomas in her arms. She walked towards the bed and sat down in the same position she's been doing whenever she has to feed them, waiting for him. Vision stood to join her, calming William who was the complete opposite of his brother, having the patience of an angel, and putting him in a small makeshift bed in the middle of theirs. He walked over to Wanda's side and sat behind her, legs on each side of her letting her lean back on him. She said it 'helped' her when breastfeeding, though he had his suspicions that she was using it as an excuse to use him as a human pillow. Not that he minded one bit. He loved it. Because he could see their children bond with thier mother. The doctors told them that this was the most important moment with any mother and child. He would rest his chin on her shoulder and watch her feed their babies. She would caress their cheeks softly with one finger and gently talk to them. He would end up caressing the top of their heads, and kiss his wife's neck making her smile. Of course his other son would stir again and his hand automatically lays inside the small makeshift bed where a tiny hand wraps around his finger while he softly caressed it with his thumb. Then after one finished eating the other would start and the whole thing starts all over again.

After they finished she laid them down in their crib, making sure they would stay warm and safe before returning to bed. She laid down, head on her pillows and looked towards her husband still sitting up and looking at the crib. "Vision, lay down already. I need my husband to be my human pillow." She teased. Vision smiled and leaned down to kiss her. "I love you." He said. Wanda kissed him back, pushing him down on the bed to lay on top of him, his hands resting on her back. "I love you too." She told him, laying her head under his chin and closing her eyes.

"You know I should break this habit of yours."

"It's not my fault you're more comfortable than the bed."

"It's a terrible habit."

"Oh please, you love it."

"There's no proof-"

He never really did get to finish that sentence. They never really got to finish that 'argument' of theirs at all actually, if the gasp from Vision and the playful, flirtatious chuckle from Wanda had anything to say about it.
Ok so the whole time my mind was going 100 different directions while writing this, so if nothing makes sense in any part do tell me.

Its also 5am. I know, why am I not sleeping? I'm a night writer. I never get the mood to write until it's night. It's a writer thing.

8/31/18 Update: fixed some sentences

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