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Chapter 1 Jinx

"No NO!!!!!!!! Help help!!!!!!!" screaming she gasps for air slowing her run down a tiny bit. She turns around slowly checking for......Thump! It hits sinking deep into her arm. She falls hitting the ground getting the wind knocked out of her. "The tiny dart packs a punch," thought Claire. Her eyes start fogging when she registers the pain. An ear splitting scream pierces the silent night. It rings out echoing through out the abandoned street. The one person on the street creeps farther into the shadows afraid of being seen. She hides just like Claire told her to. Claire's screams ring out again piercing the night air and then all was silent. The man that shot her came out taking the pin out of her arm that led them straight to her "Now," he whispers "You die like the rest because," his voice breaks and a single tear falls onto Claire's face freezing instantly. "You couldn't keep a secret," his voice picks up volume "Because you couldn't just GO WITH THE program," he whispers the end and then collecting himself says "I loved you." He whips out his phone calling a number on speed dial. They answer on the first ring. The only thing he says is "Dead," one word just that one word yet it spoke volumes. That one word changed Sierra's life or as they now call her Jinx's life forever. The man walks away in one swift motion leaving the corpse and all of his emotions behind. Jinx gets up her pants torn and battered still looked better than most peoples' in the slums but she wasn't from the slums she was from the upper class who would shun her now leaving her to the slums, death to whatever may come of her. She looks at her sister and a few tears escape her eyes but she quickly steeled herself. She looked at her sister if her eyes were closed she could have been sleeping. That's how the military got everyone to believe it was just a virus that no one had to worry. Of course that wasn't true it was a government weapon. It was a silver liquid that they put in a dart that goes into a gun-like machine. It was called Freeze. It was called that because that's what it does it "freezes." It entered the blood stream and froze the blood. It flowed through the blood like it was on a current. It froze the organs and eventually the heart. It wasn't that painful because it happened so quickly but while your heart is still beating it felt like with each breath you were being stabbed with daggers your organs failing death at your door step and then it was all over you were dead. You were perfectly preserved you look like you died in your sleep peacefully but it was anything but peaceful. I felt her skin ice cold, freezing . If you were to open someone up who was "frozen" you would find ice block organs and tubes of frozen blood. Jinx stood up her brown hair falling in her grey eyes. She stood all the way up, the for grieving was over it was time for action. Her military training started to kick in she looked at her surroundings she found a piece of rope well more like string and tied her hair up. Then she smeared dirt on her face time to blend in to wait. Her time would come the perfect time and she would strike. Revenge is all about waiting. She knew the saying good things come to those who wait.


5 years later (they are both 17 years old)


Chapter 2 Dixon

Sweat. That warm liquid was dripping down my face into my eyes. It was making puddles by my neck and armpits. My sweaty black t-shirt stuck to my chest and stomach my tailored camouflaged pant fit me perfectly firm and not baggy. My combat boots thumped on the packed in dirt and I decided that I needed a break. I fall on my back onto the grass making my breathing hitch. I squirt some water into my mouth savoring the feeling of the cold water on my burning lungs. Getting up move into the HQ (headquarters) and head straight for the locker room. I turn the shower on cold at first but then as I cooled down I got cold and turned it on full blast. After scrubbing myself with soap get out and change into my uniform. I walk out and spot my commanding officer William. Making and B-line for him he greets me "Hello Dixon he says formally but with a smile. "Hello commander Williams sir," I say saluting him and smiling. "Listen have you heard of Jinx?" he says getting right to the point " of course sir she is our most wanted criminal sir and a good one at that sir." I hide my crude remark with strength and respect. Well," he says looking me in the serious "How would you like to be the one to finally bring her to justice?"

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