Chapter 6 Dixon

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Chapter 6 Dixon


That's all I can say


My face was a mask of shock. Then anger then sadness then finally a mix of all then three. Why did she have to call me Crescent? Why did she have to run away? Why am I so stupid? Why did I give her that note? Stupid stupid stupid! This went against all my training yet I still did it! Quickly I regain my composure and study my situation. When Jinx left a riot started beer bottles were smashed curses were thrown and a brawl started. I decide that it would be best to slip away now before they regain their drunken senses and blame me for them losing all their money. Slipping away unnoticed was easy but my next mission would be much harder. I have to locate Jinx. In this big slum city. With only her face as something to go on. What was that old movie called? It went great with this situation. Oh right

Mission impossible.





All these words summed up the slums at night. No streetlights. No heaters. Just cold black night. The only light coming from the stairs and moon. Hide, run, asses the situation these thoughts ran through my head as I pulled my tattered wind-beater farther around me. I found it after rummaging through some rancid garbage. With predatory strides I look for a place to hide. Slowly I look around I spot a building Likely abandoned with uneven brick placement. My first instinct was to just climb but I realize that would be stupid. Instead I switch on my earpiece so that my cries for help could be heard if I fall. Next I free my hands from their gloved prison for extra grip. Finally I take my hood and make sure it covers my face incase any police choppers or army field agents spot me. I don't want them mistaking me for a criminal and either a. Shot me down on spot or b. Taking my picture and list me as a low class common criminal. If that happened then I would lose my spot on the base because no one except commander Will knows what I'm doing. Climbing the building is easier than expected now fighting off the girl (young woman is more accurate) that is clutching my back with jagged finger nails was a little more difficult.

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