Chapter 8 Dixon

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Chapter 8 Dixon

My eyes flutter open as I slowly wake from my slumber. Faint rays of sunlight flow from the grimmy windows. Dust and other specks become visible as the are hit by the morning rays. The navy blue tattered blanket that layed over me was covered in stains, it's blue was almost unidentifiable. The scrap piece of fabric lifted up and down with every silent breath I took. I slowly start to get of the cold concrete floor when I hear a soft snoring coming from beside me. I look to my right and see Jinx asleep beside me. Her dark hair was spread around her head like a halo and a faint trail of drool rolled down her chin. She looked so peaceful in her sleep less rigid and tense less focused and calculated. More human. Her plump lips were parted letting her soft snores escape with every breath. Her lips suddenly pull downward though and her eyebrows pull together in frustration. She starts twitching and yelling, screaming for "him" to stop, for "him" to take her instead. For "him" to just leave them alone. She thrashed with unseen fear and fury. I quickly hold down her arms and pin her legs down with my knees. Pushing her head into my chest I rub her hair in a soothing manner. With her hiccuping into my chest we lay there while I comforted her. Whispering soothing things in her ear I pat her back and look into her eyes, shiny from tears. Her puffy eyes, shaky breaths, and tear stained cheeks are then all that are left from her nightmare. Pushing herself away from me she gets up becoming a hard shell again. She walks into a sort of kitchen area with a fridge table and one chair with a broken leg. Standing up I walk to the kitchen and open the fridge. All that was inside was expired dairy products, rat droppings, and something that looked like an old chicken wing. I quickly close the fridge because of the rotten stench coming out of it. The putrid oder stunk of expired cheese, milk, and meat. My face automatically scrunches up in disgust as I look around our living quarters. My plush penthouse felt like a dream compared to this dump. Patches of dark concrete where things were spilled were scattered everywhere, thick cobwebs sat in every corner of the dreary apartment. The building was cold and was built more for sturdiness than comfort or style. After analyzing our situation, living quarters, and basic needs I realize this will not be a suitable place for us to stay much longer. Turning around I tell Jinx about my discovery. "No," she states stubbornly "I'm staying here with or without you, preferably without." Sighing I walk over to her and put both of my hands on her shoulders giving her a firm shake. "We need food" I say firmly "If you want us to get very far we need to keep moving."

"What do you mean 'we' there is no 'we' just you and I," she says firmly, placing her hands on her hips defiantly. I study her face quickly analyzing it for her feelings but it was like reading a blank sheet of paper. Impossible. I touch her face and pull her close hoping to achieve the comforting vibe my teacher taught to us. Jinx stiffens and tries to pull away at first but for some surprising and not very logical reason she melts into the hug and pulls me closer holding me tight. She starts to shake and I realize she is crying. Stroking her hair I give her a squeeze and tell her it is okay. Wiping away her tears I tell her it is time to move on. Shaking her head she agrees, her normal defiance and back-bone crumbling in her vulnerable emotion filled state. Taking her hand I lead her away as she plays right into my hands.

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