First Words

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Baekhyun's POV

3 Weeks?

Aishh! I didn't think it would take me this long to leave. How could I let myself stay this long?'s becoming too late.

Madame Lee is attached to me.

And that wasn't apart of the plan.

I thought as I sit on my mattress. I then look around the room and notice that I actually have belongings. Like I live here. Ugkh their bound to find me if I keep living like this.

But how do I leave?

What do I say to Madame Lee? She's going to be heart broken. I shouldn't have let things get this far. Tcchh! Pabo.


Madame Lee called. Making all of my thinking come to a halt. I guess I'll just have to come up with something later.

I stood up and was walking out of my room. Before I was startled when I almost walked into Minji. Things soon became awkward when we locked eyes for what seemed like forever.

When in reality. It was only a few seconds.

She then walked away first. While I watched her do so. With her vanilla fragrance lingering behind. My heart rate went up while I started to rub my head.

Baekhyun what are you doing?

I thought.

When it comes to Minji. I don't really have many words. Rather than her becoming attached to me. I feel like I'm the one getting close to her.

She rarely spoke to me. But it seems like after my transformation. Nothing but positive things come out when she speaks to me now.

Could that mean that she's starting to like me? Aishh Baekhyun you think too much.

I then walk from my frozen stance and continue down the steps. Where I met up with Minji and Madame Lee in the living room.

"Great. Baekhyun have a seat" Madame Lee ordered. And I obliged as I sat down on a separate couch from the two.

"Why did you call us in here omma?" Minji asked curiously.

"I wanted to go out and eat lunch today. So I wanted to let you guys know so you could get ready" She said smiling from ear to ear. And I smirked myself.

Madame Lee seems to get excited over the smallest things. Sadly I've had enough time to notice things like that.

I then looked over to Minji and she was already looking at me. The smirk then fell from my face. While I immediately looked away.

"Araso! Go get ready" Madame Lee said. And I was the first one to stand. Before I bowed towards her and walked up the stairs quickly.

I needed to get out of there.

I don't know why Minji makes me feel weird but I'm starting not to like it. I shouldn't be having these feelings. People like me don't need to be feeling these things...

I shut my door and walked towards the mirror. As I tried to steady my breathing.

I then looked into the mirror and noticed that my eyes were on the verge of changing color.

"Baekhyun control yourself" I mumbled before closing my eyes. And when I opened them again, they were back to their normal brown color.

I then sighed in relief.

That's one thing on the list of many things I don't want Madame Lee or Minji to find out about.

I'm a full blooded werewolf...

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