Sehun and Chanyeol

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Baekhyun's POV

I stare at Minhyuk in shock not believing him. Has Exo gotten that bad since I left? Kai is truly out of control.

"Is the cop dead?" I asked and Minhyuk nodded his head sadly.

He told me that the officer that found my chain. Wanted to deliver it to me. But he ran into Exo instead. And I guess you can imagine what happened to him.

"The alpha-"

"Kai" I clarified. And Minhyuk nodded.

"Ne Kai. He sent some new people he bit the same night I was bitten. To dispose of the body and car"

What a monster. Why did he have to be greedy for power? Becoming alpha is traditionally done by doing something mighty for the pack. And breaking barriers for the the werewolf community.

But if you steal the power. Just like Kai did from Kris. You start to posses a sinister soul. Leaving you heartless. And in compassionate.

Much like how Kai is now.

"Woah he has to be stopped. Like yesterday" I said and Minhyuk chuckled. Making the disappointing atmosphere. Turn into a hopeful one.

"I hope we can stop him" he replies.

"We will. Thank you for the information" I say reaching behind my back. To retrieve the book of scarlet I had in my back pocket.

Until I felt my left foot taken out from underneath me. I fell to the ground confused. When I looked up and saw Minhyuk looking down at me.

"Why did you do that?" I asked sitting up.

" mean you weren't about to kill me" Minhyuk said and I frowned.

What is wrong with him? You would think he's been hanging around lay hyung.


"I thought you were reaching for a gun. Mianhae" he says quickly. Helping me off of the floor.

"Ani. I was reaching for this" I say looking at the floor. And seeing the book. I then picked it up and brushed it off.

"What's that?" He asked.

"The answers to all of our problems and then some" I say flipping the book open and turning to the page I needed.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

Aishh so many questions

"Looking for a way to summon people I need to talk to" I say walking away from him and to the window.

"Nugu?" He asked and I sighed. Minji never mentioned how curious Minhyuk seems to be.

"Two possible alliances who are on our side"

"Mwo? We have more! Who are they?" He asked again. And I smiled

"My two loyal chingus. Sehun and Chanyeol"


"Are you sure their coming?" Minhyuk asked and I nodded.

"I hope" I say as we hung around the market. I did the ritual to summon Chanyeol and Sehun to the market. And Hyunjun knows the plan.

I told him about Minhyuk being a werewolf too and he didn't seem surprised.

Seriously is there anything that man doesn't know?

Anyway. Now he's keeping his eye out for the 'werewolf' detector to go off. When they walk in.



"How has Minji been?.....I haven't seen her in a while. I couldn't bring myself to since that night" Minhyuk says sadly. And I start to feel for the guy.

I saw how close Minji and him were. So it must be weird for them not be around each other.

"Okay I guess. I'm assuming you know about Madame Lee"

"Ne omma told me. Minji must hate me since I wasn't there to comfort her" he says. But little does he know, I was the one there to do so instead.

"I wouldn't say that. Minji may seem hardcore. But you and me both know that she's not. She won't hold a grudge. She thinks their for the dumb and dumber" I say repeating some of her exact words and we both laughed.


Minhyuk and I both look towards the door. To see two weird looking people walk in.

One with a HUGE mustache. That was longer than his chin. And a magician sized hat. While the other was wearing a LOOOONG dress. And a sunhat built for Bigfoot.

And speaking of big foot. That's exactly what that lady had. I never knew they made heels that large.

"What an odd couple" Minhyuk whispers ans I nod in agreement.

"They make me think of Jongdae's grandparents"


"Nevermind" I say. I forgot he doesn't know everyone yet.


Hyunjun whispered and I looked at him. He then pointed towards the weird looking duo. Who were walking up to me.

"We're not selling anything" I say.

"Baekhyun it's us" I heard the deep voiced lady say.

"I don't remember you guys. Unless your from the bingo hall. Then for that I sincerely apologize for your dog" I say and the guy face palmed himself.

"Baekhyun it's us. Sehun and Chanyeol" The guy said removing the mustache from his face. Revealing that he was Sehun.

"Sehun? CHANYEOL?" I say surprised with their attire. Especially Chanyeol's. That lipstick doesn't go with his dress. Not at all.

"Woah" Minhyuk mumbles from behind me. And Sehun scoffs.

"I see you brought the promising highlighter with you" He says sassing like usual.

"Yah! At least I look good in a mustache" he says and Sehun gasps.

"For your information you little twit. I had this mustache custome made" he says and I frown.

"You can do that?" Minhyuk asked.

"Ne. All you have to do is go online and sign up fo-"

"Stop getting off track. First things first" I say putting my hands up to stop them from talking. And everyone looked at me curiously.

"Chanyeol who told you to wear that lipstick. It's clashing" I say and he sighs.

"I know! I tried to find a red one. But they were out of stock" he says and I pat his arm.

"I know the feeling. Did you go to Sooyoungs beauty supply? Or Sungjins makeup mania?" I asked.

And before Chanyeol could even tell me. Hyunjun came walking up in the middle of our circle.

"Yah enough! You guys didn't come here to chat about mustaches or beauty supplies" He says looking at all of us. And Sehun stared at him.

"Who's grandpa? And who pissed in his oatmeal this morning?" Sehun asked.

"This is Hyunjun. The person whose been helping me. And he's right. We're off task. We need to discuss a plan" I say.

"What are we going to do? Kai isn't some dummy who wanted to be in charge. He seems to know everything" Chanyeol said and I sighed.

"I know. That's why we have to meet here for the next week. I have idea's but I just need to know if you guys are in?" I asked.

"Of course we are hyung. We want him stopped just as much as you do" Sehun says drapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Good. Then let's talk about this over lunch. I'm starving" I say and everyone agrees.

"Okay. Lead the way" I say to Chanyeol.

"Why me?" He asked.

"Haven't you ever heard of common courtesy. Ladies first"

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