Phone Call

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Minji's POV


"Minhyuk are you having fun?" I asked curiously while kicking my feet behind me.

Summer is almost over and I missed Minhyuk. We went from seeing each other everyday to nothing for almost three months.

"Andwae I'm ready to come back" he said and I smiled.

"You already miss me uh?" I asked teasingly.

"No I missed your mom. Her cooking is calling my name from afar" Minhyuk said making me roll my eyes.

"Whatever pup"

"Yah! When will you learn? Stop calling me that name" Minhyuk said scolding me and I smiled again.

My omma and I have been better ever since Baekhyun talked to her that night we got into an argument. And I must say that's things around the house are running smoothly.

Baekhyun and I have even gotten closer. That beagle still gets under my skin and we still insult each other's different.

My feelings for him are....


I don't want to say that I have a crush on him. But unfortunately, I do.

But how can you not. I mean he's adorable...

Ugkh Minji stop thinking this way. It's weird. He's weird.


I heard Minhyuk say. And I jumped out of my crazy thoughts.

"Are you done throwing your temper tantrum?" I asked and he scoffed.

"I'm going to get you back" he said and I sighed.

"If you say so"

I said then out of nowhere my door slammed open.

I kid you not, Baekhyun bursted in with two slices of ham on his chest. And a bucket on his head like he was a super hero.

I sat up and looked at him while I was laughing nonstop. What is really wrong with him?

"Did someone call SuperByun?" He asked poking his chest out with his hands on his hips. And I shook my head no.

"What do you have on? You know we have to eat that meat right?" I asked.

"And you guys still can. I just added a little more flavor to it" he said winking at me and I dropped my mouth open.

Before giggling and grabbing one of my pillows and throwing it at him.

Baekhyun ducked down. And dogged it. But the two pieces of ham fell off of his nipples. And landed on the floor.

Baekhyun stared at it like his heart was broken. While I was dying laughing in the background.

"Minji are you okay?" I heard Minhyuk ask. I forgot that I was on the phone with him.

"Ne. I'm just laughing at Baekhyun" I said.

I told Minhyuk about Baekhyun moving in and what not. And he thought that the story about how we found him was crazy. But he thinks that they will be good friends.

"Oh. Okay. What happened?" He asked.

As I was about to answer him. I looked at Baekhyun and saw him staring at me with his eyebrows frowned.

Like he doesn't know who I'm talking to. I don't have any other friends.

"I'm talking to Minhyuk" I whispered putting my hand over the speaker. And Baekhyun nodded. As he mouthed Minhyuk and put his hands like a dog would.

I laughed silently.

He knows that I call Minhyuk pup. And he makes fun of him.

But I don't know why?

His nickname is beagle.

"Yah what are you doing! You can't take that!" I heard Minhyuk yell as if he was talking to someone.

"Minhyuk?" I asked as I tried to stop laughing.

"What are you-.. Put that thing away!" he yelled and my expression became serious. Is Minhyuk in danger?

"Minhyuk what's going on?" I asked.

Baekhyun walked up to me upon seeing how serious I was. And took the bucket off his head. Sitting next to me.

"Okay! I'll give you whatever you want. Just don't hurt me!" He said and I started to think the worst.

It sounds like he's being robbed.

"What's going on?" Baekhyun whispered and I shrugged nervously.

"Minhyuk answer me!" I yelled into the phone. Before putting it on speaker.

"Take it! It's yours. Have it all" he said.

Baekhyun then thinking the same thing that I was. Widened his eyes as the atmosphere in the room changed to a frightened one.

"Minhyuk!" I yell.

"Wait what are you doing!" He yells before I heard a loud noise and then the phone hung up.

I looked at Baekhyun and he was already staring at me.

"Try calling him again" he suggested. And I did as he said and dialed Minhyuks number.

It rang and rang. But he never answered. My heart dropped as I called repeatedly. But I still ended up with an unanswered call every time.

"Baekhyun what if something is wrong? It's sound like he was hurt" I said as my breathing became uneven.

"Is he still in Myeongdong?" Baekhyun asked.

"Ne. And I don't even know what part" I said and Baekhyun scooted closer before putting his around me and rubbing my arm.

"It's okay. I'm sure he's okay" Baekhyun said.

And if I wasn't freaking out right now.
. This moment would make me pass out. But all that was on my mind was Minhyuk.

I texted him a thousand messages. Hoping that he would respond. But he didnt.

"Call his mom. Do you have her number?" Baekhyun asked.

"Ah I do!" I said having s little hope in figuring what's wrong with Minhyuk.

So I called her. And the phone rang a few times and surprisingly she picked up.

"Yoboseyo" I asked before she could.

"Ne" she responded.

"Miss Lee. Is Minhyuk okay?" I asked worried.

"Minhyuk? What are you talking about?" She asked.

"Are you with him?" I asked. And it was a little pause. As I didn't hear her say anything.

"Wait what happened?..........where is Minhyuk......." Miss Lee said. Sounding like she was talking to a man. What if it's a police officer?

Something must've really happened to Minhyuk.

"Miss Lee?" I called.

"I have to call you back" she said. And before I could try and stop her. She hung up the phone.

"What did she say?" Baekhyun asked and I just shook my head.

"Minhyuks hurt" I said.

"What? How do you know?"

"It sounded like Miss Lee was talking to a police officer about Minhyuk. I can't believe this...... What if...what if...he's-"

"Yah don't think like that. Let's just hope he's okay. Don't be negative araso?" Baekhyun said grabbing my face. And I just slowly nodded. Trying to suck up my tears.


I heard someone at the door. So Baekhyun and I stood up and walked downstairs to get the door.

And when I opened it. I couldn't believe who I saw.

"Minhyuk?" I asked.


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