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Baekhyun's POV

We stare at each other in silence. For what seemed like hours. When in reality, it was only a few moments. Before I decided to try and speak up.

"Uh Min-"

I started. And Minji ran and hugged me.

I wouldn't say that I'm surprised. But I'm surprised. I didn't expect her reaction to go this well. I slowly wrap my arms around her.

Wow I really thought she was going to smack me.

Minji begins to pull away. And that's when she looked up at me. I smiled and she smiled.

This is going a whole lot be-


"YAH DON'T YOU HEAR ME TALKING TO YOU! WHY ARE YOU SPACING OUT AT A TIME LIKE THIS?!!"Minji yells while the left side of my face feels like I slid myself down the road.

I hadn't realized that I wasn't listening. Until Minji smacked me back into the present. Lack of sleep will do that to you. I've been tied to a chair for days for goodness sakes.

"Why did you have to hit me?" I asked still trying to get rid of the burning sensation.

"You should be glad I didn't kick you in the baby maker" Minji said. And in an instant. I protected my groins. Like it was a reflex.

"Ani. Ani. Minji I can explain" I say before I saw Madame Lee walking down the steps behind Minji. And when she saw me. She raced downstairs to greet me.

"Baekhyun! Oh my gosh I thought you were taken" Madame Lee said pushing past Minji. So she could hug me.

Well she's not wrong. That's kinda what happened to me.

"Where have you been?" Madame Lee says sending another question my way.

I stared at the two in shock. Not knowing what to say. I can't just come out and say, 'Hey I'm a werewolf. And old man Hyunjun nearly killed me with electric chains'

"I don't know"

I say with it sounding more like a question. Rather than a response. And Minji tilted her head to the side.

"What do you mean 'you don't know' " Minji asked using her fingers as quotations.

And that's when I freaked.

Think Baekhyun THINK!

"I.....just....woke up in the woods. Far away from here. And I don't know how I got there" I say hoping that my lie sounded believable.

"Do you sleep walk?" Madame Lee asked. And I snapped my fingers.

"Bingo. I guess I was sleep walking and lost my way" I said giving a Cheshire the cat smile. Hoping they would buy it.

Madame Lee seemed like she bought the lie I was selling for 29 cent's. While Minji wasn't going for it.

"Okay well just come in here. And get clean" Madame Lee said pulling me into the house. And up the stairs.

I looked back and saw that Minji was looking at me with her eye's widened. Like she couldn't believe something. I can only hope she's just doing that because I have a nice butt. And not for anything else.

I walk into my oddly clean room. When Madame Lee shut the door behind me.

I looked around and noticed that everything was nice and neat.


Minji says from the door. And I jumped in shock. Before turning around to face her. I didnt even know she opened the door.

"How do you know I wasn't getting undressed?" I asked covering myself like I was naked.

"It's not like it would've mattered. You have the body of a toddler" Minji said and I glared. When on the inside, I was secretly smiling.

I missed her.

"What are you not telling me?" She asked and I quickly stiffened.

"What are you talking about?" I asked like I was clueless. And Minji walked up to me with her eyes squinted.

"I went into the woods. And saw drag marks along the ground. And would you look at that. You have a long streak of dirt along your side" Minji said turning me sideways and pulling on my shirt as proof.

She saw the marks? Hyunjun made it seem like all the evidence was taken care of. I guess not.

"I don't know what happened. I was sleep remember" I said turning away from her.

"For 7 days Baekhyun?" Minji asked. And my eyes widened. As I looked at her over my shoulder.

"I was really tired?"

"Yah. I know your not telling me something. Did something happen to you?" Minji asked with her detective attitude. Soon turning into a concerned one.

Oh how I wish I could tell you Minji.

"No. Honestly I don't know. I was walking in the woods. When everything suddenly went black. And next thing I know. I'm waking up today miles away from here" I said trying to sell Minji my lie.

And from the looks of it. She seemed to finally be onboard with it.

"Really? Did someone drug you? Were you hit with an object?" Minji asked.

"Ahh. Now that you mention it. My head kinda hurts" I lied rubbing the back of my head.

"Omo. You were kidnapped. I have to tell omma" Minji said turning away like she was going to run out the door. But I grabbed her wrist before she could do so.

Making her turn around and face me.

"Ani you can't"

"Why not?" She asked with her big brown eyes beaming with confusion.

"I don't want anyone else to know about this. I only told you because I trust you. Please keep this between us" I said. And Minji nodded in agreement.

"Araso. Baekhyun your secret is safe with me" Minji said sticking out her pinky. And I chuckled at her childish ways. Before laching my pinky against hers.

Fast forward. And I'm walking out of the bathroom with an towel on top of my wet head. When I sat down on my bed and layed back.

It feels good to be back. But now I have a lot more to worry about. Especially now that Exo is near.

"Beagle" Minji says walking into my room. And I sat up and looked at her.

"You must've really missed me. You can't seem to stay away. Hmph I guess I can't blame you" I say and Minji rolls here eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself"

"Your right. You should be the one flattering. Go on, flatter me" I say before puting my elbows on my knees. And my face in my hands. As I smiled at her.

"Shut up. Baekhyun I only came in here to hand you this" Minji says before dangling my chain in front of my face.

I forgot. My chain. Since I'm close to it. Exo is slowly losing their trace of me.

"Where did you find it?" I asked.

"It was in here while I cleaned up" Minji says. And I nodded taking the chain from her.

And as I had it in my hand. I slowly felt the E.X.O on my hand fade away.


"Baekhyun can I ask you something?" Minji asked.

"You just did" I said teasing. And she rolled her eyes.

"No I mean a real question" she says seriously. And I stopped playing around.

"Sure" I say sliding over as Minji sat next to me. I then looked at her,waiting on her to ask away.

"So. I noticed that your chain keeps changing. And since we've never really talked about where you came from. I just wanted to know what EXO stands for"

Oh no...

"Trust me. You don't want to know"

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