~Chapter 4~

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"Okay, so in brief summary it went: kidnapping, separation, torture, damage, glimpse, saving then now. Our problem right now is trying to get Error out of hiding long enough to save Blueberry."

Paps and Chara nodded along. "Can you just search the void? You said that's were he last was."

Ink was going to speak but you shook your head, beating him to the explanation. "That's a no go. The Antivoid is endless and dangerous. Just look at what happened to me. Not only that but Error can manipulate dimension travel just as well as Ink. Ink's been looking for a long, long time... and so far this predicament is the closest he's ever gotten."

Paps groaned and lit a cigarette. "Okay, so what now?! That can't be it. Why did he want my brother?"

"The most I remember is hearing him talk about a puppet... but my theory is he'll be twisting him against us. See, Error knows how vital Sans is to ours, and all timelines. He's aware if he takeout such a key component, this AU could come crumbling down. That's his goal though. Error thrives on the ideals that the only universe that hold exist is UnderTale, however, Ink here has the ability to create AU's. I think he's going to twist Blueberry AGAINST us and use him to collapse the dimension. Really, as I see it, Blueberry has the best chance of saving himself seeing as his cute, and optimistic personality has a talent for changing cold hearts. Unless we try using a vantage to draw him out. Then we can leave Error to Ink and take Blueberry back."

Chara pursed her lips and tapped her chin. "How do we draw him out though?" She asked. "We don't have anything he wants."

This time Ink took the stage. "I think the best way to draw out this idiot is to keep going with his plan. If you continue with the order of the timeline, you'll face Sans again, right? So that means he'll have to put something in its place."

"Chara, who was the last monster you battled?" You asked.

"I finished my battle with Napstablook. I guess it's a good thing he's on our side now because he was REALLY helpful when you went missing."

You nodded and looked down at your hands. That was a habit you had when you were thinking. "So we probably need to go through a lot of the timeline to get back to Sans. Don't we get back to the crew until after the Tem Battle, Asgore, and Papyrus if we chose genocide, but we're good on that part."

You looked at Ink and started to direct you questions to him. "Can we press the progress, maybe skip a battle or two?" You asked.

Ink shook his head and sent Paps an apologetic look. "I can't say that's the smartest move. Error... is unpredictable. He sees these plots of his like games. The other Sans are like puppets to him. It's really twisted."

You faked a snort and rolled your eyes. "Calling that fucker 'twisted' is an understatement. He's straight up psychotic." He muttered.

Chara placed her hand over yours in a comforting manner. You squeezed hers in return. "We need a backup plan." She said.

You all turned our gaze to her and raised a brow, well... at least you did. She shrugged and continued. "I'm just saying. If he's expecting us to go with his plan then he might throw in some twist to screw us over. We should have a backup."

You smiled and ruffled her hair. "We already have a backup, it's just a secret so we can't tell you."

Ink looked at you curiously and furrowed his brow. "We do?" He asked.

"We do!" You chirped.

You glanced at the clock and sighed. "It's getting late. Paps, I'm gonna hit up Muffet's and go to my place. If you come up with any other ideas, call me."

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