~Chapter 12~

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I pushed my food around the plate aimlessly and sighed. Setting my fork down I sniffled and rested my chin against my hands. Papy looked at me with a worried glimpse and Chara seemed to be doing the same. Ever since I disappeared from Snowdin, Error had me trapped with him in the void. I'd been so worried about everyone. But even now, as I sat in my home once again it felt even worse. (Y/N) had saved me, but it cost her own freedom. She pushed me from danger when that Blaster hit but whatever happened to her seemed to do real damage. She seemed so... numb when Error whisked her away.

Papyrus sighed and stood from his seat. "Come on you two. We can't just sit and mope. (Y/N) wouldn't want us to." He said sternly.

"Don't talk about her like that!" Chara snapped, drawing surprise from my sorrowful expression. "Don't..." Her voice quivered. "You make it sound like she's dead."

Papyrus was silent a second, then chuckled. "Sorry Chara, didn't mean to upset ya. I just mean that if she was sitting here with us she'd be teasing us about being a bunch of sad sacks. We'll find her. Don't worry. But not eating won't help."

I sighed and pushed away my plate. "I'm sorry Papy, but I'll eat later. Right now I need some time to think."

"Sans..." He said gently, but didn't move to stop me.

I retreated upstairs and into my room. When I saw my reflection in my mirror I couldn't help but feel disappointed. "Who am I kidding?" I mumbled. "I'm no guard. I can't even protect my friends."

I discarded my battle body and looked at the plain clothes beneath it. Averting my eyes from the shame, I turned out the lights and crawled under the sheets of my cool bed, burying myself in the layers of warmth. "Maybe sleep will help me think this over."

It was almost instant as my eyes closed. My eyes closed, and when they opened again I gazed out over a familiar white expanse. My breath stopped and my stumbled, looking over the antivoid. "What... no... I'm not back! This isn't possible!" I cried.

A steady hum seemed distant and my head whipped in its direction. Turning around completely, a speck of color painted the canvas of expanse. It was too far to make out, but at least it was something. My legs broke into a run. I was tempted to call out in its direction but the chance of Error being close by was too great.

I closed the distance gradually, my confusion growing as I did so. It was like a landscape had been painted and pulled into the third dimension. Everything had a wisp like grain on it. It was pulled from the pearly surroundings like a building that breaks miles of field.

I approached it slowly and tapped gently on the wall. It was solid. "Hello?" I said gently. "Anyone here?"

Shuffling surrounded me and I choked back a yelp. I watched the shadows around me shift until I finally saw rope like yarn in the dim lighting. "Is someone there?" A quiet voice parroted.

The shelter seemed to shutter, the oversized yarn disappearing like retreating serpents. At the edge of the light appeared a figure. It was definantly feminine,  in both its shape and the way it stood. Her body was covered by a large hoodie, unzipped. Below her hoodie sat a large, multicolored sweater. She wore jeans and only had one battered shoe. From her right side it looked as if her clothes had been infected, tones of red, gray and other tones eating their way over the fabric. Where it touch her sweater was the worst, the rainbow of shifting colors seeming to be attacked by violent streaks of obsidian. Her hands were hidden beneath oversized sleeves.

I immediately felt more at ease knowing it wasn't Error, but this newcomer to the void still scared me in a different, more curious, way. "Hello..." I said gently. "Who are y-"

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