~Chapter 16~

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You looked up at a seething Error, hastily sealing the portal behind you and cutting off Ink's cry. That part was familiar at this point. His severe glare snapped back on you like a knife, and you flinched. In a way, it was nice to feel a flicker of fear at his enraged expression.

"How did you do that?" He asked in a harsh burst.

"I watched you." You said dully. "It took me awhile, but eventually I found out what I was doing wrong... but now I know what to do."

Error swiped at you with a sharp slap and you fell back, braced by the invisble ground. You yelped at the burst of pain, but didn't say anything. You shrunk into your sweater and cupped the stinging cheek with your hand.

"You idiot! Now Ink knows about you! I have to act fast..." Error blabbered but you didn't pay any mind. Instead you laid back against the cool ground and closed your eyes. For some reason, seeing Ink just made you feel so... hallow now. You lacked passion, not even the vague impression of caring left in your heart. You saw images of Blueberry flicker behind your eyelids, but they didn't mean anything. You saw nemories of Chara and Papyrus watching television with you, but it was like seeing it from new eyes. Objective eyes.

You had one person you cared for enough to feel for, but there was horror in his eyes when he saw you. He only looked at the half of you that you hated, ignored the bit of you that still remained.

"I'm just another glitch." You said bluntly, interuptting error and voicing your internal thoughts externally. "I'm a fuck up in reality, corrupted by a virus that makes my existing for a labor than anything. I'm just like you Error."

Error scoffed, raising a hand against you but stopping as fear flooded over his rage. His shaking hand lowered as he took a trembling step back. "W-What's happening to you?!" He stuttered.

"A nuissance.... a complication... we don't need to be here. You have no right to judge what is meccesary and what is not but in that way... I excel..."

You looked don't. You remembered the horror in Ink's eyes when he saw you mismatched body. A tear rolled down your face but then you smiled. You planted a foot down and from it spiraled vines of inky black. The drab tones of your infected skin scrawled further over you, darkening your sweater to black and finishing off the last remains of your original skin. You opened your eyes again and they matched, the rings now small and focused as you flashed a wide grin towards Error. You stepped sliwly towards him, vines of black stretching from your feet like cracks.

"It's time for a new god..." You said quietly as you grabbed Error by the hoodie. He grabbed your hair, attempting to delete you but the word Error surrounded him. "What the hell?! I can't- Why can't I-"

"It's time to clean up the virus." You whispered. In your palm you summomed a blackened pair of scissors. Their image flickered in your grip but they felt solid as you twisted them in your grip and through them down on Error with a roar. He screamed as the blade tore through him, the dust disappearing in glitches. You began to giggle, then laughing whole-heartedly as you turned towards the woven rooms.

"It's my turn to finish the job." You sang, darting towards the houses with a cackle resonating through you.
The captives were thrown into a frenzy, one spotting the vines of obsidian ink first then another tracing it back to the creature darting towards them. The many characters of the multiverse scattered throughout the seemingly endless antivoid, knowing they could very well die to insanity at the blank horizons but fearing the creature more. "Come forth little glitches. Let me choose who deserves to live in this world!" She hummed like a cryptic lullaby.

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