~Chapter 7~

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New Cover! Drawn by me. I seriously need to practice more often but it's still decent huh? Hope you enjoy!

You sat on your couch, legs curled tightly against your chest. Your eyes were wide with fear and a cup of hot tea sat in your hands. You tried to sort out your dream, but were only met by confusion and pain. Was it an omen? Did Error already know? Did you even have a chance?

Beige cloth was wrapped around your neck, covering up the lower half of your face. Hiding behind it seemed to comfort you, like it could shield you from the fear you felt. Ink sat nearby, but didn't dare to move too close in fear that it would frighten you more. The emotions running in your head were a mixture of confusion and fear.

You feared he knew exactly what you were doing. You were confused as to how he would find them out. Could he see you without you seeing him? Your eyes shifted around you.

"Ink?" You squeaked.

He jumped, surprised you had summed the courage to speak in your state. "Yeah? Do you wanna talk or something?"

Worry laced his words. Your heart softened slightly as you met his gaze. Very few people had ever given you such a tender look, and some of them had turned out to be the opposite of what you thought them to be. Those few had used you like a toy. And yet, here you were again, falling for the same sympathy that was so easily imitated.

"Can he... Error I mean... see us here? Can he hear us?" You asked.

Ink shook his head. "He may have more power than the average AU Sans, like I have more power, his five senses are still limited to normal. I'd sense him if he were to appear or spy on us."

You relaxed. "So he was lying..." You muttered.

Ink nodded quickly. His attempts to relax you were almost humorous. Your gaze widened and a small smile, hidden by beige, stretched your cheeks.

"Yep! The only traces I've noticed of him were on you, and that's more than likely because of the time you spent in his 'domain.' Is that what your dream was about?"

You face flushed and you lifted the cup shakily. He hot liquid spilled over the side, scorching your hand. You didn't flinch away though, only letting a hiss fall over your lip. Ink jumped to help you but you held up a hand.

"I'm fine." You said briefly.

Ink backed off a bit, up took the cup from your hands. Setting it on the table, he took your hand and spoke. "You don't have to tell me. I just wanna help." He said, a small brush appearing in his hand.

His left hand cradled a few different colors on a palette. He swished the brush over the paint and started to paint over you skin.

"I've found that painting always helps me relax. Maybe you'd like to watch? It could help you."

He paused a moment and looked at you, as if asking permission to continue. You nodded and smiled weakly. Your eyes followed his hands as he pulled your arm up, giving him more leverage. His hand danced over your scars and small remaining injuries, covering them with his magical paint. As the marks disappeared, it appeared to help you let go. It was like every mark was linked to a single day in that hell, and every time one was erased, it released a link in the chain that kept it attached to your thoughts.

Watching him paint was methodic and rythmic. Your breathing evened out and your eyes followed lazily. You still held your mind in tact. It seemed only your tension relaxed. You still needed to talk to someone.

"Uh, Ink?" You asked.

He looked up from his work, raising a 'brow'.

"Yeah (Y/N)?"

Ran into You (Ink!Sans X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now