~Chapter 11~

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Your heart pounded against your chest painfully as you struggled to keep a breath. The rainbow wools of your sweater pooled around you, offering something colorful against a blank canvas of space. At the end of your fingertips, the same wool seemed to grow from your hand in a vaying range of ten unique colors.

You watched your trembling hands, black consuming one while the other was a familiar skin tone. The inky black seemed to look splattered against you, like it had been thrown at you and couldn't come off. You were in panic, shaking violently as pain laced for body. You tried to remember, but your mind drew a blank.

Where am I?! What happened to me? My skin is black. Is that right? Is the other half wrong?! Why is there string coming from my hands? I don't feel safe here. Why aren't I safe? Why am I alone? Was I always alone....

"Hey-y! Puppet! Get out of your cocoon."

You squeaked, shrinking away from the voice that interrupted your blind panic. He sounded cruel. Why? He hadn't done anything to you. Why didn't you trust him?

You rose slowly, swiveling your head until you could locate the source of the voice. He seemed tired as he looked down at you, an unamused hint in his gaze. "A-A-Aw great, you're trauma-matized." He growled.

"W-who are you?" You stuttered.

He raised a brow as he bounced down on his knees, watching you as you flinched away. He seemed to be examining you. "You d-don't rememb-ber?" He asked, peering intently.

"Remember..." You muttered. You tried to scrap together something, but you couldn't remember anything. You squeezed your eyes shut trying to recall even a second of a memory put you couldn't. "I-I can't. I don't..."

"Wow there P-Puppet! You'll hurt yourself if you keep t-trying to load mem-memories like that."

"What?" You looked down at yourself and gasped. Over your ashen flesh the words 'Loading Error' hovered. As you forgot your objective and focused on what was in front of you, it seemed to fade until it was gone. "I don't understand. Why can't I remember anything? Why am I here? Who-"

"Slow d-down!" He ordered, sitting before you with his legs crossed. "Ta-Take it slow. I'll give you three questions-s now, but you have to listen to me after th-that."

You nodded happily, thirsting desperately for any information. He held up one digit and looked at you expectantly. "First question. Go."

You looked down at yourself and thought. You had so many questions. Only three...

"Okay. Who... are we?" You asked, looking at him nervously.

His brow furrowed, before he released a broken laugh. "Cl-Clever." He said. "My name is E-Error. You are my puppet. That's how you are add-dressed."

"Okay." You muttered, tucking away the info. "You're Error. I'm Puppet. I have two more questions." You nodded.

"Yes. Go." He said briefly.

"Where are we?" You asked, now feeling more sure of yourself.

"We're in the anti-void." He said.

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