Chapter 1 ... Back at Hogwarts! 'x

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... Hermione's POV ...

It was a month after the war. Everyone was understandably still shocked and mourning over their dead friends and family members. Everyone that was injured was slowly making progress to getting better.

After the war, Professor McGonagall suggested that the people who were mainly affected, should come back to Hogwarts for two extra years. She believed that the time we would normally finish, was too quick, and there wasn't enough time to learn everything.

She believed the only way to do that, was to create a programme called Advanced Magic, and the people who had fought in the war would attend this for two years. Professor McGonagall would be teaching these classes, and the point of these, was so that we knew how to protect ourselves in the future, after everything that had happened.

She invited myself, Harry, Ron, Ginny, Dean, Seamus, Neville, Luna, Draco, Blaise and a few other Slytherins back, because according to her, the war only properly affected us in one way or another: obviously mine, Ron and Harry's search for Horcruxes, Harry's final defeat of Voldemort, Dean, Seamus, Luna and Ginny's heavy involvement in the DA and they fought off most of Voldemort's followers, Neville almost accidentally sacrificing himself and ending it by killing the last living Horcrux, Draco's deep involvement with one of Voldemort's biggest plans, and Blaise and the few other Slytherins couldn't stay at home because their parents were either in Azkaban, or on trial, so McGonagall thought it would be best if they came back; at least they'd get to properly finish their N.E.W.T.S, and they'd have somewhere to stay.

Even though Luna's in Ravenclaw, she stays in our common room because no one else from Ravenclaw was brought back, because they hadn't been as affected as she had in the war. No Hufflepuffs came back, which was slightly odd, but according to McGonagall, no Hufflepuffs were as affected during the war as much as we were.

Even though there was only a few people that came back this year in the Gryffindor Common Room, at night I could still hear the sounds of people crying. It was horrifying. I hated hearing them cry. They were obviously crying because they missed the people that had died.

The other years didn't question it. Even though they could hear everyone crying at night, they didn't ask why, because even though they weren't necessarily involved in the war, they obviously knew what it was, and about the people who had died. Even though they hadn't seen people die right in front of their eyes, they were still sad, and still mourned over the dead, because they knew them. It was an all-round sad time for everyone.

Everyone had changed. No one looked the same. No one acted the same. The war changed everyone. Including the professors, which was sad to see.

Myself, Harry and Ron had become 'heroes' after the war. People treated us like celebrities, but we hated calling ourselves that.

In school no one was allowed to ask for our autograph or picture, so that was ok, but outside of school was terrible. We don't go to Hogsmeade anymore for trips. It's too over-whelming, and we get crowded. We're all kind of claustrophobic, so it gets too much for us.

We all have our Advanced Magic classes together, with all of the houses (even though there is only two, since there is no one from Hufflepuff and only one member of Ravenclaw).

At first it was really uncomfortable for us all to be in the same room as each other, since some of the Slytherins were still Death Eaters, even though Voldemort wasn't here anymore. It was very awkward and kind of scary. They still believed they were part of something that didn't exist anymore, so no one knew what they could do at any moment. They could still be making all kinds of plans right under our noses and we would never know. Professor McGonagall still treated it like we were in first year, where it was just petty house fights, but it's more serious than that. I guess she doesn't want to think about it.

Even though it's uncomfortable, Professor McGonagall decided to make a seating-plan. We had never had one before. I was cautious. She purposely put a Gryffindor - including Luna - next to a Slytherin and it had to be boy next to girl, which was even more awkward. I was sadly put next to the one and only, Draco Malfoy. How could McGonagall do that?! Didn't she know anything about what I'd been through, and who he was?! It was terrible!

I seriously had no idea how I was going to put up with being made fun of every second of everyday. Especially more now, because of everything I'd been through the past few months. He is still human though. Right? He still has feelings too. Right?

Oh, who am I kidding. I'll be sitting next to Draco Malfoy for the next two years. This was going to be the worse two years of my entire life!

Author's Note:

I hope you liked it. I changed it completely, so to the people reading this again, I hope it's better than it was before. I've changed a few important things, so I will need to edit this whole story again, which might take a while, but it will be in more detail, and you should understand it more now.

It was quite long before, so I've literally deleted half of it, but I've put the bits I took out, in the 2nd chapter, so you're not missing much. I just thought the story was moving a bit fast. That's all. 

Hope you like it, and there's going to be loads of drama in this, so I can't wait to share it with you lovely people.

Please keep reading!

LoveYouGuys ... Annie! 'x

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