Chapter 23 ... Stay With Me! 'x

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... Hermione's POV ...

"What the hell?!" Blaise nearly screamed. This is so awkward! I clambered off Draco's lap and sat next to him, whilst he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Ummmm ... what can we do for you, Blaise?" Draco asked to try and defuse the tension, as Blaise was literally fuming right now. Why the hell was he acting like this?

"Oh, I don't know, maybe explain to me why the hell you two are making out up here, when down there is a girl that you've made pregnant!" Why did he care this much?

"Oh, right, well, we were going to tell everyone tomorrow, but since you're asking, we might as well tell everyone now." Draco said, in his most calming tone of voice. It wasn't that late. Infact we haven't even eaten yet, but we didn't mind. We would much rather go to sleep in each other's embrace right now after we found out she was lying.

"Tell everyone what ...?" Blaise asked, slightly more calmer.

"Come on ..." Draco motioned Blaise towards us. Blaise came forward and held on to Draco's arm and he apparated us all downstairs. I swear we could've just walked.

"Guys?" Ginny asked, sounding shocked to see us here, then her eyes went down to see mine and Draco's hands entwined together, and she raised an eyebrow.

'What's going on? How come you guys are still together?" Ron asked. It didn't sound like he was disappointed that we were still together, or that he was rooting for us to not be together, it sounded like he - much like everyone else - was genuinely confused as to why we were still together after Stephanie's shocking revelation. As suspected, she wasn't saying anything. She was looking all vulnerable, sitting on the corner of the sofa with one hand resting on her stomach.

What the actual hell. She was going too far with this, and I knew Draco wanted to be the one to tell everyone that she was lying, but seeing how far she is actually taking this is what drove me to blurt out, "She's lying! She's not bloody pregnant!"

"What?!" Everyone shouted in unison. You could clearly see the panic on her face when I outed her.

"Wait ..are you serious?" Blaise turned and asked Stephanie.

"Ummmmm .." Was all she could muster whilst nervously looking at us all, before she quickly apparated to Lord knows where. Hopefully she won't be returning.

"She's not pregnant?!" Harry asked, still slightly shocked.

"No. She's been lying." Draco said.

"How do you know?" Blaise asked.

"When she told us she was pregnant and I was the father, I got freaked out, so I apparated to Malfoy Manor, because I figured no one would find me there, but I didn't realize that I had brought Hermione with me because I was still holding her hand. My mother was wondering why we were there, so we told her what happened, and she showed us the family tree. Stephanie wasn't on it. If she was carrying my child, there would've been a branch connecting her and a baby to me, but there wasn't yeah, she's not pregnant. And if she is, it's not mine." Draco told them.

"OH! That bitch!" Ginny shouted, making us all laugh.

"Ginny!" Fleur scolded. I didn't realize she was there. I didn't see her.

"What? She is!" Ginny protested making us all laugh again.

Fleur gave her half a glare, but you could tell she was thinking the same. "Come and eat now." Fleur said whilst setting the knives and forks out on the table.

We all sat down, Draco to my right, and Fleur to my left. "So, any further progress with Ginny's birthday planning?" Fleur nudged me and asked.

"Ummmm ... well not really. I mean, I think I'm the only one who actually knows what to get for her. But I don't really know what we're doing for the actual birthday. Ron wants the party to be big, you know after everything that's happened." I told her.

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