Chapter 13 ... I Promise! 'x

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... Draco's POV ...

It had been almost an hour since I had woken up. Where was Hermione? I needed to see her. I missed her. Where was she?!

Just then, Potter, Weasel and Weaslette walked in. I mentally face palmed myself. This would be so awkward!

"Ummmm ... How are you?" Ginny asked. I could say loads of stuff to her right now, but for Hermione's sake, I had to contain myself. I have to be nice. God, this was going to be hard.

"I'm fine thanks. My torso hurts a bit, that's all. How about you?" I asked in my most politest voice.

"Wow! You didn't bite her head off! Are you seriously feeling ok Malfoy?" Ron rolled his eyes and pretended to look shocked.

Sighing, I said, "Do you know what? I'm better than I've ever been. Oh, and ... thanks." Everyone's eyes went wide when I said that.

"W - what did you just say?!" Asked Ginny, looking shocked.

"Don't make me say it again." I said whilst Ginny smiled.

"For what?" Harry asked.

"I could hear you. I heard the things you said to me. Thanks for updating me on Quidditch. And thanks for just talking to me about anything. It meant a lot. Even more so, because I know how hard it must've been for you. It really helped me."

"We did it for Hermione." Ron said before anyone else could say anything.

"I kind of figured. Never-the-less, it helped, so I truly am grateful."

There was a pause after that, which would've been awkward, if Harry hadn't have said, "Are you serious?"

"About what?" I asked slowly.

He looked at me pointedly, then sighed, and said, "About everything. Are you serious?" He repeated.

"I have changed. Hermione knows that. And I do love her. I mean it, I really am serious about everything. I wouldn't lie to her." Ginny smiled after I said that, Harry looked like he didn't believe me, and after I said that I did love Hermione, it looked like something had died inside of Ron, and he scoffed after I said that I would never lie to her. "I promise." I said, and Harry's face relaxed, and I could tell that he believed me. It wouldn't take an idiot to know that Ginny believed me, but Ron still held a strong face.

"Thank you, Malfoy." Ginny said sweetly whilst smiling.

Ron gave her a sharp look, but she ignored it when I rose my eyebrow in confusion, and she carried on, "Hermione's been so happy since the two of you got together. She was always smiling when I saw her with you, and she was the most upset I've seen her, when you got injured. Thank you for making her happy. I can't imagine how happy she must've been when she came to see you earlier when you woke up. I thought she would've still been here with you. Where is she?" She asked looking around whilst I stayed confused.

"I was going to ask you the same thing. I haven't seen her yet." They all looked at each other in confusion.

... Hermione's POV ...

"So, what are we going to do about her exactly?" Blaise asked me. "How are you planning on 'getting rid' of her, as you so kindly put it."

"I have an idea." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

He looked at me, waiting for me to elaborate, but I couldn't give too much away, so I slowly said, "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer." He looked at me, confusion obvious on his face, but I just gave a smile. This was going to be fun.

Author's Note:

Ok, I know this is short, so please don't kill me.

It's obviously a filler, and if you hate fillers, then I'm sorry.

Thank you, and I hope you liked this.

Keep reading.



Stay awesome!!

LoveYouGuys ... Annie! 'x

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