Chapter 10 ... Flashback! 'x - PART 1!

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A Month Later

... Hermione's POV ...

Draco was still in this coma. It seemed like he had been in it forever! I was scared that he wasn't making any progress, but he has gradually made quite a lot. He squeezes my hand a lot too. I talk to him about anything. Everything. Our exams are nearing, and I know Draco can hear me, so I read my notes to him sometimes. I'm sure he appreciates it. I certainly would.

I thought my concentration would drop in the Program whilst Draco was in hospital, but it has surprisingly gotten better. Probably because I don't have a distraction sitting next to me, and I know that I have to write detailed notes on everything for Draco.

Me, Ron, Harry and Ginny are getting on better than I had anticipated. They want to help Draco.

Sometimes Ginny speaks to him but I can tell it's hard for her, because her eyes go straight to his mark. Harry sometimes fills him in on the Quidditch scores, but I can sense the awkwardness, and I know that he just does it for me. All Ron can muster is a simple 'Hi', or 'How you doing?', then he would beat himself up for asking such a stupid question, knowing that he wouldn't get a response. It's sweet of them to try though.

I don't know what they're feelings for Draco are now. I don't know if they're doing it for me, or actually want him to get better. I doubt it's the second one, but me and Draco are like one now, so if they're doing it for me, they're also doing it for him.

I miss him. I didn't think I would miss him as much as I do. I miss his random sweet kisses. I miss his sarcastic jokes. I miss his laugh. I miss the sound of his voice. But most of all, I miss his beautiful eyes.

As I was silently sitting beside him, constantly holding his hand, I started to remember how it all began. Me and him. How we became one. At the start of the year. When I'm sure he pretty much hated me, and I hated him. We were two completely different people. So even I sometimes wonder ... How did me and Draco begin? He told me what he was thinking the day we got together. He told me all of his emotions and what he felt that day, before he kissed me for the first time. He told me everything. (A/N - So that's why I'm doing the flashback in Draco's POV, even though Hermione's thinking about it.)


... Draco's POV ...

McGonagall had put me next to Hermione. What was she thinking?! She knew that I had changed. She knew about my new views on people, but she also knew that no one else knew and that Hermione hated me. Of course she would hate me. We were on different sides. She was involved in the killing of the one I had to call 'Lord'.

We were completely different people. She was defined by the things she had done, but I was defined by what was on my arm. My family was on the dark side. Even though 'He' was dead, my father was one of his biggest supporters. It wasn't that easy to persuade someone as dark as him to change. He would be mortified if he found out that I had changed.

I was stressing out. McGonagall had given us a complicated potion to do for homework. But that wasn't the worst part ... You had to do it with the person you sat next to. I didn't mind, but of course Hermione would. She hated me. She wanted nothing to do with me. I felt hurt by that for some reason, but I didn't know why. All I knew, was that I couldn't let it show. I had to keep my Slytherin mask up. It shouldn't be too hard. I've been doing that my entire life.

"Alright Granger?" I asked in a simply monotone way. I didn't want to seem rude, but I also didn't want her to know that I didn't hate her anymore. I suppose I've never really hated her ... I've just made myself think like that, or rather, my father had made me think like that, because according to him, it wasn't pure to befriend a muggle-born.

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