Chapter 32 ... The Unexpected Visitor! 'x

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... Hermione's POV ...

The light piercing it's way through the blinds startled me awake. I reached to the other side of the bed to snuggle myself in to Draco to shield myself from the light, but to my surprise he wasn't there.

Worry rushed through me as my mind raced through all of the possibilities that could've happened to him. Anyone could've captured him. He could be being tortured right this very second for something that he no longer is. He could be being tortured because of that vulgar mark on his arm that ceases to disappear. 

I was a split second from rushing out of bed to find him before I heard gentle humming whilst he ever so carefully walked in to the room with two mugs of tea. "Did I wake you? I'm so sorry, I tried my very best not to ... well at least you can enjoy this whilst it's hot." He placed my tea on my bedside table and sat back in the bed enjoying his tea whilst I snuggled close to him, forcing the images in mind that just held my attention to disperse immediately. He was here with me. He was safe. So I didn't need to think about anything else. "Are you alright?" He asked.

I groaned something in reply which made him laugh. That beautiful laugh of his. The sound I crave to hear from the second I wake up to the second I fall asleep. 

The next thing I knew, I was being pulled out of my day dream by the sound of a *beep* repeatedly ringing through my ears so loud that I snuggled my head further in to Draco's body and pulled the covers over me to block it out. I heard Draco curse under his breath and gently move my body so his was free to rush out of the bed and make that disturbing noise stop. I could smell burning and didn't even want to ask what he had attempted to make. I sat up and tried to enjoy the beverage he had bought me. At least he knew how to make a decent cup of tea.

 We had been in the Muggle World for a few weeks now and Draco was surprisingly picking everything up very quickly - apart from cooking. The first few days were a bit rocky though; after he had familiarised himself with our surroundings, he would apparate to places that he wanted to go to or he would apparate himself home, causing raised eyebrows and gasps from people who saw. I can't really blame him though. I can't imagine how hard it must be for him to fit in and make sure to do the right things.

He's become used to not using magic for everything now. He likes walking to places instead of apparating, and weirdly he finds it therapeutic to wash the dishes by hand. I'm definitely not complaining.

We haven't met the other residents in our apartment building because surely we can't be the only wizards starting a new life in the Muggle World. We can't risk being polite and interacting with our neighbours.

"Mione, your phone's ringing," Draco appeared with a terrified look on his face, holding the phone at arm's length. I couldn't help but laugh at him. "Hey, at least I can now hold it without being afraid it would blow up!" I laughed again. It was cute how the phone scared him when we first moved in. 

The laughter was short-lived once I looked at the phone to see it was Harry calling. They still didn't know where we were and they also knew calling for help had the risk of getting Draco locked up so they wouldn't even think of doing that. With sad eyes and a sigh, I declined the call and threw the phone on the bed.

Wanting to distract myself from the guilt I felt for not telling them, I crawled out of bed and made my way to the bathroom.

Noticing my sudden mood change, Draco opened his arms offering me a hug which I gladly took. I knew why he was calling; it was Ginny's birthday today. I suppose they thought we would come back for her birthday. I was thinking of going, but it would be too hard. I wouldn't know what to say. I couldn't just go back pretending like nothing had happened and everything was fine.

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