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Camila was here in exactly five minutes

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Camila was here in exactly five minutes. When I opened the door I could see how tired she was, and I was extremely grateful that she still came.

"Where is he?" Camila asks hanging up her jacket, revealing pajamas.

"In his room, he took a few cans," I explain and Camila curses.

I lead her there, and she tries to open the door and realizes the door was locked.

"Hair pin?" She asks and I search for one on my dressing table.

I eventually find a brown one and take it to her. She grins at it, and some how manages to unlock the door. She gets in and closes the door immediately after.

I'm not sure how I felt. A bit angry that she never let me come in as well. But I was still hoping she would calm him down.

Camila came out fifteen minutes later, looking quite angry, but I could see the worry in her eyes. She came out with a few bottles and cans in her hand.

"He's an idiot. He knows exactly what happened the last time he drank! When he's sober, he's going to get an earful from Marco and I! If you think I'm angry, just wait for Marco!" Camila rants.

"What happened the last time he drank? Why did he drink in the first place?" I ask curiously, and she pauses.

"He hasn't told you? Anything? About his mother?" Camila asks and I shake my head quickly.

"I've been wondering, but I haven't asked him yet. Why, what happened? I really want to know! He hasn't mentioned it at all!" I exclaim. "Can't you tell me about her?"

"I can't. If he hasn't told you then I definitely can't. It's not my story to tell. It's his past. His very messed up past," Camila apologizes.

"He's just very intimidating to talk to," I admit and she nods.

"You get used to it. He's not that bad. He's a really sweet guy. Of course Marco knows it best. They've been best friends forever!"

"You should talk to him. He trusts you. Okay, he may not necessarily like you. But he definitely trusts you, like Marco and I. But you still annoy the hell out of him," Camila assures me.

I want to know about Diego's past. I just have to figure out how to tell him.


Diego came out at nine in the morning. I had already showered, and changed, and made breakfast. Diego walked through the door, and ran a hand through his hair while yawning.

"Morning," I greet cheerfully.

"Mornin. Um, did I hurt you?" He asks, quite scared for the answer. "Last night,"

"Nope, a little shove to get me out of your way. But really, are you alright? You got a few shards in your hand?" I ask and he nods.

"Cam fixed me up. I'm all good. Thanks for calling her," Diego thanks me and I smile.

"Look, I wanted to talk," I say, setting down the plate.

He takes a large bite from his toast, and a sip from his black coffee.

"We are talking right now," Diego drawls.

Even in a hangover state, he didn't stop with his clever comments.

"Seriously. I want to talk about your mother," He chokes on his coffee and I hand him a serviette.

"My mother? Why?" Diego asks wiping his mouth.

"Camila kinda linked your drinking to your mother. I want to know," I explain.

"It's a long story," He murmurs.

"Trust me babe, I got time," I wink and he chuckles.

"My mother was an artist. She was the best. When we lived in Spain, she would do a show almost every night, and people loved her. Maya Hernandez was the biggest name there.

"And then, she decided to go on one last tour -she was retiring-. It was her last show, back home, and she was flying back, when the plane crashed. In a flash I lost my mother. My mother was the only person who cared about me.

"It was when I was sixteen. It hit me. Marco, my best friend, wasn't even here at that time. He left for a holiday. That was when I became good friends with Camila. I was already chasing after her, so I had her number. When the crash happened, she was the only other person I could call.

"She comforted me. My father constantly worked, so I hardly spent any time with him. My mother was the only person in the family who cared for me. Her family didn't. My father's family doesn't. I only had a few people in my life.

"My mother. Marco, and our chef/cleaner. When my mother died, Camila entered that small group. Losing my mother was losing a part of me," He finally took a breath.

I put a hand on his forearm reassuringly, before taking his hand in mine and squeezing it.

"You don't have to," I say, suddenly realizing why he never spoke about it.

It was still a hot topic.

"It's fine. Following her death I started to drink. This happened right after her funeral. Marco still wasn't here. If he was here, maybe he would've stopped me. He's my lifeline. I got into bad groups. They taught me about the best drinks, the ones that got you drunk instantly.

"And drugs. I only took the drugs once, and Camila found out. She helped me, and then Marco came home. His parents took me in, and looked after me, making sure I never went down that road again.

"I'm sorry I never told you. It's just a hard thing for me to speak about. You could always bring back your brother, your grandfather was quite old. My mother, was still young. She still could've cared for me more.

"I just needed her because home became extremely lonely. It became a house, and no longer a home. It made my father worse than he already was. He hardly even spoke to me. He fired the chef/cleaner, and almost tried to cut off communication with Marco.

" think he cut me off from my mother's family. But then again, they never cared. They abandoned me immediately. That's why I don't trust. It's not an easy thing for somebody whose life kinda turned upside down. After drinking, I was never the same," Diego poured.

I felt my heart break. I had never felt so close to him. He had just opened up about his past.

"I understand if you hate me -more-. Who wants to marry a former alcoholic?" Diego asks sarcastically

"Exactly. Former. I'm here for you Diego. I'm your fiancé. We're stuck with each other,"


Remember when I said the new character is coming in 18, well 20. I was going to add in something else to this chapter, but this seemed good.

So now you know Diego. Throughout the story I will go into more detail about it. Explaining it further. The next chapter will also have quite a lot of his past.

Also Marco, Camila, and Diego friendship. So in this chapter, I mentioned Marco a lot. He and Diego are the best of friends! He will be in the next chapter! There's a kinda cute chapter coming up.

The tables will turn 😏😏 Thanks for reading 🙈 Sorry for any errors 💚 And as always. Tell me what you think! And, sorry this didn't come out yesterday, but I only finished 26 this morning!

~Lexy 😈

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