• 2.14 •

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(Okay, so I had to think about where to place this in the timeline. So, the beginning of C58 was a talk between Violetta and Diego, and then the next morning he woke up her to get a puppy and then the whole professing love fiasco happened. Remember that? So, I've decided that this chapter comes before he wakes her up, basically, he went to Dr Dufre early in the morning to catch him up. This deals with quite a few important things, let's hope I do it right! Now, to add on to my already very long note, I have an apology. I'm so sorry this took an eternity to come out but I have been busy with exams. I also postponed the update so that there would be a shorter wait for the next one. Hopefully around the 27th, I will be able to write some more. Just before the 30th when I will need a few days to recover from my terrible marks! I'm sorry! That aside, enjoy! xx)

 Just before the 30th when I will need a few days to recover from my terrible marks! I'm sorry! That aside, enjoy! xx)

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I NEVER LIED to her.

I have betrayed her countless times, ignored her, aggravated her and I have broken her heart an innumerable amount of times, but I have never explicitly lied to her.

When our relationship started to become somewhat real, it physically hurt me to lie to her. Lies were like stealing the truth from somebody, it was a betrayal in a different form. I'm not saying I'm a saint, I have done horrific things to her and it amazes me that she's found it in her beautiful heart to forgive me.

I may have been unfaithful in certain ways, but I was always honest. I was always above board with her, she could always trust me to tell the truth. I never hid my grimy past from her, well not for long. The moment I started caring for her, the lies stopped but everything else amped up as my only coping mechanism.

I have never cared for anybody the way I care about her and it is frightening.

The one thing I always expected in this relationship was for Violetta to remain true and virtuous. It was what fascinated me in the first place and inspired my need to protect and care for her. She was different to other people, and she was exactly the person I needed in my life. Perhaps, that is why it felt as if I had been hit by a fucking freight train when I found out that she lying to me.

It was the lies themselves (Federico), and then it was the fact that she felt that she could not trust me (Black Mint). With the former, I felt betrayed. Wronged. If the wrong people saw it, it would be labelled as an affair and that is certainly what it felt like.

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