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Well, if you could call it retiring.

He would retire from his position as CEO but he would still overlook everything that happened in the business. GD Enterprises is the most precious thing to him, he would not be quick to give it up.

Instead, somebody would take the position of CEO and would do the major meetings. Basically, there would be a new face to the company, a fresh face, and that was supposed to be me.

At least, that is what is what he had been hinting at ever since I started at the company two years ago.

I knew that it would be probably be met with protest, after all two days was not that much and there were people here who had worked here their whole life. But, I was the one working until the late hours of the night and woke up at the early hours in the morning.

I wanted the promotion, and I had worked for it.

This was probably something none of them would understand. But ever since I was born I practically breathed GD Enterprises. And in that way, our years of work kind of matched up.

Even when my mother was alive we still spent quite a lot of time there. Part of the reason was because my mother never really liked the long hours he worked and missed him. It was something I admired in their relationship.

My mother would be busy with her career a few months a year and when she wasn't, she wanted to spend the time with her son and her husband. Not like she had a choice anyway, my father practically forced to come with me.

As soon as I was able to remember things, I began to take in everything that I heard. I was a child as was often in the meeting rooms during important meetings and I picked up a few things. It was the same way children of mechanics learnt the ropes, for me it was just in the corporate world.

But I didn't care. I liked sitting in the rooms with a pen and paper. Sometimes I would draw but as I got older I began to take a few notes.

Until she passed away.

Things changed but I still spent an ample amount of time there. Just, not receiving the same treatment I used to from him. Instead, everybody else welcomed me.

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