Chapter 2

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    I awoke to faces leaning over me while I was laying on the couch . I tuned them out. I didn't want to have to face the reality of Amelia being gone. I had just been with her a few hours earlier when we had been driving down the dirt road to our secret spot on the beach. Ours. Now it's just mine, I don't want it without best friend, anymore. To top it all off, the sheriff, who has known me since I was a baby, wants to bring me in for questioning, as if I would kill my best friend.
    I decided to speak up.
    "Do you think I am capable of killing someone, especially my best friend" I asked looking off into space.
    "No definitely not sweetheart" the sheriff said.
    "Then why does she have to be taken in for questioning" my dad spoke up angrily.
    "It's fine dad" I said trying to calm him down.
    "No it's absolutely not fine, my daughter isn't going in for questioning for something she had nothing to do with" by this time my dad is yelling.
    "The sooner we take her in the better it is" the sheriff responded calmly.
    "This is completely up to you honey" my mother said reaching out taking my hand.
    "So she was killed" I asked, wiping a single tear from my cheek.
    The sheriff gave me a look of sympathy, as if trying to gauge the amount of pain I'm feeling right now.
    "We have reason to believe she was murdered. I know for a fact that you didn't kill Amelia. We're just following protocol, but we can use your help with looking for the killer and fill in some of the blanks for us" the sheriff told me.
    Looking around the room I made my decision. This was for Amelia.
    "I'll go" I said holding my head up high with tears silently streaming down my face.
    For Amelia....

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