Chapter 3

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Walking into the police station everyone already knew why I was there. Being escorted to the interrogation by the sheriff, I had looks of sympathy mixed with worry thrown my way.
I didn't want to be here but it's what Amelia would want, for me to help find the one who did this. I hope she gets her wish, of if she died before me and I quote she would "come back and haunt my ass until I came to join her".
Hmph I smile at that, yeah and then we can go frolicking with our professional surfer husbands who are from Australia and we live on a ranch where we raise zebras. Now that's exciting. Thinking about that I didn't even realize I was in an interrogation room being questioned by our good ol' sheriff.
"Amber where were you with Amelia earlier this evening"
"Umm, I was out at the beach with her and then we drove back home where she dropped me off" I answered looking past my tears.
"What part of the beach were you at, was there any one else around" the sheriff questioned me nicely.
Debating on telling the sheriff Amelia and I's special spot, I finally spoke up.
"We were just hanging out off to the side, we did see a guy there" bending the truth a little about the exact location.
"Okay that's a start, what did this guy look like"
"He was tall lean but not really skinny, to say the least he was well fit with a tattoo on his left arm and torso and he had dark brown hair with the slightest bit of tan glow to his skin" I told the sheriff who just looked at me as if I was ordering a happy meal. Great.
"Well thank you Amber I know this wasn't easy. I'll talk to you if you have any questions or if we find out who's behind this. For now I would just lay low, if this killer is still out there, we don't want you to be hurt as well, good night"
With that the sheriff left the room and I walked out in a daze as my parents started throwing questions my way.
"Hey ummm sorry guys but I'd rather just go to bed"
"Alright honey" my mom said giving me a hug.
When we finally arrived home, it was well past three in the morning. I took another shower yet again. Stepping into my room with just a towel on I noticed a dark lump in the corner of my room. It probably would have been wise to turn the lights on when I first got in but I didn't even care at that point, now not so much.
Just as I was about to walk over to the said lump the same said lump turned my way!
Just as I was about to turn the lights on I heard a deep voice calling out.
"Please don't scream, I need your help"
With that I took a deep breath and wait for it, passed out, again. Man I need to get a hold of myself.

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