Chapter 6

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As soon as I stepped out of the doorway I was greeted with the flashing of cameras and the noise of microphones. Each person behind one asking the same question.
"Do you know who killed her"?
I was frozen where I stood, I didn't know what to do. My mind went black and all I could feel was the feeling of being numb. Numbed by the realization of the sudden loss of my best friend.
As I was standing there Landon suddenly appeared, taking hold of my arm and quickly guided me out of sight of all the chaos.
We walked for what felt like forever and were surprisingly not followed. We eventually stopped by a car repair shop, that was when I finally found my voice.
"Where are you taking me"? I questioned Landon.
"Away from the crowd you were slowly drowning in".
"I don't need a babysitter, especially someone I don't know". I bit back.
With that I didn't leave room for an argument and headed right back home taking a back way.
I made my way home without Landon or any reporters following me. I walked into my kitchen and was instantly greeted by my parents.
"Honey we're so sorry about the reporters they must have gotten there right after we left". My mom apologized.
"It's ok, if it's fine with you I'm just going to stay in my room". I told them as I was already heading up the stairs.
As I reached my room I opened a notification on my phone. It was an article that was titled Teen Stepping Out With Boyfriend Amongst Tragedy with a picture of none other a sketchy looking Landon.
"This isn't good".
I stifle a scream as I turn and see none other than Mr. Sketchy man himself, lounging on a chair petting my cat.

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