addict with a pen

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My trial was filed as a crazy suicidal head case.

June 8th, 2013

--Kiva's P.O.V--

"Tyler," I groaned, propping my head up on my elbow as I watched him frantically dig through his closet, throwing clothes everywhere. "Play Pokemon Go with me! I'm bored!"

"Pokemon Go is very overrated," he responded, turning his head to look at me. "Besides, you won't be bored for long."

I raised my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" He proceeded to dig through his closet once again, not answering my question. "Tyler, why are you digging through your closet?"

"Because we are going to a concert tonight, Kiva! I'm trying to find an outfit to wear!"

I sat up, surprise written all over my face. "We are going to a concert? And you didn't even think about telling me before now? Who are we going to see?"

The questions flew out of my mouth so fast that I'm sure Tyler couldn't understand me. He didn't bother to answer my questions anyway.

I sighed, standing up and walking over to a bent over Tyler. There was only a few shirts of his and a hoodie that were hung up on hangers and I could tell that the boy in front of me wasn't going to pick an outfit anytime soon, so I decided to do it for him.

I grabbed a plain red shirt, dropping it on top of his head.

"What was that for?" He exclaimed, ripping it off.

"Wear that shirt," I gestured. "If we are going to a concert tonight, it's going to be hot, so a red t-shirt would be perfectly fine."

Tyler shook his head quickly. "No, no, I don't want to wear a t-shirt. I'm more comfortable in a hoodie."

"Fine then," I pointed to the white hoodie he wore when he and Josh first performed for me. "Wear your white hoodie. It'll be cooler than your skeleton one considering the fact that it's white."

The boy stared at me in awe as I just chuckled while shaking my head. "I'm guessing since we are going to a concert, we will be back late. Do you think your mom would be okay with me staying the night? I would have to text Isaac and tell him to go over to Shawn's until tomorrow morning, though."

Tyler began to stutter. "Okay, um, I- I'm sure my mom won't mind if you spend the night. She loves you a lot."

I smiled, pulling my phone out of my back pocket. "I'll just text Isaac and tell him to head over to Shawn's for the night. Hopefully, he does what I say."

"How would you know if you weren't there with him?"

"I track his phone. That stays between you and I though. Isaac doesn't know that little piece of information and I don't plan to tell him anytime soon."

I finished up the text before clicking send and looking up to see Zack standing in the doorway of Tyler's room. "Did I hear that Miss Kiva was planning to stay the night? Is she going to share a bed with you?" He nodded towards his brother.

Tyler opened his mouth, but no words came out. I quickly jumped in. "I'm sure everyone will feel more comfortable if I just slept on the couch down in the basement."

Zack raised his eyebrows, glancing between Tyler and I. "The relationship between you two scares me to be absolutely honest."

"You should see us at school," Tyler finally spoke. "It's even scarier."

"It's true," I added.

wonderland // tyler joseph + twenty one pilotsWhere stories live. Discover now