The Wish

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Hi, so I started writing this series a while ago and had put it in hold, but inspiration struck!!! I have another series in the works, but if I don't post this one now, I probably never will. So this is now AU, set sometime within the range of "Good to the Bone" and "The Taming of the Wu." And guess what? It features a brand new Wesen I thought up myself! Hope everyone liked it!!


Nick slowly became aware of the relentless screech of his alarm clock, the noise slowly dragged him from his sleeping state and back to cold hard reality. Nick slammed his hand down on it, turning it off. He glanced over at the empty space next to him, Adalind had most likely gone to work early, taking Kelly with her. She seemed to be doing that more often these days.

Nick sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He felt heavy and tired despite having just woken up, but it was more type of tiredness that sleep can't fix. His back muscles ached from being tense, and his shoulders felt like they weighted a ton. Nick rubbed his hand over his face, the stress, and his entire life's situation in general was starting to wear on him. He had a Wesen uprising to deal with, whom his boss was working with, the woman he was living with had reverted back to a Hexenbiest and had yet to come clean to him about it. And to top it off Trubel had been sent away on a mission to another country. The number of people Nick trusted was dropping fast and he felt more alone than ever.

Nick looked down at the floor, gently resting his head in his hands. He thought about Trubel, about how much he missed her, about how she an in another continent. How he missed how they used to be, he missed working cases with her, and he missed her living with him. He missed waking up every day knowing she was just...there. But now she worked for Hadrian's Wall and they called the shots. He knew they were doing good, but some days it felt like they kept her away from him. His life had changed so much, and some days he wished he could go back and do things differently.

Nick sighed and rubbed the sleepy from his eyes. He stood up and went you get ready for work.


Nick walked through the HW headquarters. He had been having to check in with them more frequently these days as Wesen activity increased. He had just spoken with Eve, as they had both had been attempting to keep tabs on Renard. Nick walked through the control room, Meisner stood in front of a large screen studying video footage.

"Burkhardt." Meisner called, making Nick stop walking.

"Yeah." Nick acknowledged.

"Thought you'd be interested to know Trubel got back from her assignment today." Meisner reported, not taking his eyes off the footage.

"Really?" Nick blurted, letting a little more excitement show in his voice then he meant to.

"She's in her room. You can go see her if you want" Miesner replied.

Nick left without another word and briskly walked down the gray hallways. He kept going until he made it but Trubel's room, he could feel a bit of excitement building within him. He gently knocked on the metal door, it making a hollow echo as he did.

"It's open." She called.

Nick opened the large metal door and peeked his head through. He felt his heart leap as he saw her, seeing her seemed to make everything a little bit better. She was sitting in her bed drawing in a small sketch book. Then Nick felt his stomach drop as he saw she was once again bruised and cut up. Trubel's gaze landed on Nick as he stepped inside, a grin immediately appeared on her soft yet injured featured. She sprung to her feel, and threw herself into Nick's ready arms.

"I really missed you." Nick admitted, swaying slightly as he held her.

"I missed you too." She buried her face in his shoulder.

A moment later the embrace ended as Nick pulled away to further examine her injuries.

"Are you alright?" Nick asked, reaching up and touching one of the cuts on her face.

"I'm fine." She assured with a smile, taking his hand and gently lowering it.

"So how was Santiago?" Nick asked.

Trubel thought for a moment.

"Tedious." She answered.

"How was Germany?" She asked, cracking a smile.

"Complicated." Nick replied.

They both laughed.

Nick was about to speak, but was cut off by the ring of his phone.

"Hey Hank, what do we got." Nick answered the call.

"Ok got it, be right there." Nick spoke, before hanging up the phone.

"What's up?" Trubel inquired.

"We're working a murder case, Hank's says we got a lead. Our suspect might also be responsible for a string of assaults, I think it might be Wesen" Nick replied.

Trubel nodded.

"But that's not the weird part." Nick added.

"What's the weird part?" Trubel inquired, becoming intrigued.

"After the assaults, all the victims have been slipped into comas, doctors can't find out what's wrong with them." Nick informed.

"Can I come with you?" Trubel asked.

"I'd like that, but are you sure your feeling up to it." Nick said with hints of worry in his tone.

"Absolutely." She stated.


Nick and Trubel sprinted down the street, they were currently in pursuit of the suspect. They had briefly seen her Woge and she was something they had never seen before. She had glowing eyes, and her skin a deep blue with a tattoo-like patterns. The Grimms pushed harder as they rounded an alleyway. Trubel managed to close the gap first and she decked the female Wesen to the ground. The she woged patterned blue covering her skin, she shoved Trubel off of her. Trubel slammed into a nearby wall, letting out a groan of pain as she impacted. The Wesen got to her feet seconds after, Nick covered the short distance and threw a punch. But the blue Wesen blocked it, she stepped forward and firmly grabbed Nick's color jerking his face towards her. The Wesen's glowing eyes felt like they stared straight into Nick's soul.

"You reek of regret, and despair. I can smell it on you." The Wesen's voice was sharp.

"I've seen it a thousand times. You wish things had turned out differently don't you?" She went on.

Nick was shocked, how could she know that? He tried not to let his shock show, but failed.

"I can fix that, I can grant you what you truly wish. I can make all your regrets and sorrows vanish." She continued, still woged.

"Think of this as a kindness." She added, slight malice behind her words.

Then her throat contracted in an odd way and she spit out a bright blue vapor. It hit Nick like a wave and he stumbled back, couching as the strange substance assaulted his airways. Nick suddenly felt sleepy and weak, the Wesen backed away and took off running. Nick's knees gave out and he fell to the ground. Trubel pushed herself off the ground, looking a little dazed. She briefly considered chasing after the Wesen, then she caught sight of Nick. She rushed over to him and knelt down.

"Nick, look at me. What did she do to you?" Trubel questioned frantically.

Nick didn't reply, simply because he now found his eyes too heavy to keep open.

"Nick!" Trubel yelled.

Her voice became distant, as Nick felt darkness blanket him.

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