A Mission

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Trubel sat across from the Traumweber, while Monroe and Rosalee finished up. The Grimm studied her, she had deep olive skin and thick, black hair that flowed down to her back. The Wesen still gave Trubel a deadly stare.

"What your name?" Trubel abruptly spoke, her voice stern.

"Emira." The Wesen answered,

"Alright Emira, why did you do it, why'd you gas him?" Trubel questioned, shortly.

"He a Grimm and a cop, he was chasing me, why do you think." Emira laughed.

"You're a murderer." Trubel said flatly.

"So?" Emira scoffed.

"Not the first time, won't be the last. I'm considered very valuable. I gotta do what I gotta do." The Wesen continued.

"Besides you should thank me, I did him a favor." Emira continued.

Trubel's jaw locked and she felt anger begin to bubble over inside her.

"Why the hell would I do that?" Trubel hissed.

"One look at him and I could tell it. He's was miserable and lonely, it was kinda pathetic actually." She chuckled a little towards the end.

"But wherever he is, I'm sure he's happy now." Emira finished.

Trubel stood from her seat, her fists clenched.

"You put my best friend in a coma that he might not wake up from, so you listen to me. If for any reason he doesn't make it out of this..." Trubel spoke, coming down to eye level with the Traumweber.

"You're dead." Trubel finished, her tone sharp.


Trubel sat in the edge is the makeshift bed they had laid out next to Nick. Rosalee handed a small glass of a murky blue liquid to Trubel.

"You mean I have to drink all of this?" Trubel looked down and made a face of disgust.

Rosalee nodded.

Trubel made a face and prepared to drink.

"Wait, one more thing." Rosalee stopped her.

"When you're in there, don't get injured, but especially don't die." Rosalee informed.

"Trubel if you die in there, you die out here." Monroe stated

"I thought you said was a dream!" Trubel blurted in shock.

"It is. But this is where we veer into some grey areas. Theories range from some thinking it's because it's so real to the brain that it causes a physical reaction, while others go as far as say that the dream itself takes place in a different plane of reality. Nobody really knows why, only that if you're harmed while in the dream, you're harmed in reality as well." Rosalee explained.

"Good to know." Trubel said quietly.

"Bottoms up." She muttered before swinging the substance. It tasted worse than it looked.

After Trubel got over the initial shock of the horrible flavor, she laid down and took a deep breath, her eyes fixed on the ceiling. She turned her head and looked at an unconscious Nick. Trubel reached out and took Nick's hand.

"I'm coming." She whispered to him.

Trubel felt her eyes begin to get unnaturally heavy, and a blue haze clouded her vision before her eye lids closed.

When Trubel reopened her eyes, she was standing on a street corner, sparse traffic passing in front of her. Trubel glanced around in amazement, it looked so real, she felt like she was awake. Even the pavement beneath her feet felt solid, real. Trubel took in her surroundings, Nick's car was parked in the driveway of a house directly in front of her. It wasn't like any of the houses he had lived in since she knew him, but the mailbox read Burkhardt nonetheless. Judging by the fact that there was another car parked right next to Nick's, that meant that someone else was here too. It was at that moment that Trubel began to mentally prepare herself for what might lie inside. This was it, this was the moment of truth. This was the moment where she would find out what his greatest hope, dream, and wish was. What, and quite possibly who, truly made him happy. Trubel figured it would either be Juliette or Adalind, and somehow idea of either left a dull ache in Trubel heart. Trubel immediately pushed those feelings back, she shouldn't care, she had willed herself not too for so long. She had a job to do, a mission. She had to bring Nick back, regardless of what she found here. Trubel took a deep breath, then quickly headed across the street. She covered the distance quickly and weaved between the two vehicles. Trubel made it to the front door and briefly considered knocking, before thinking better of it. There were too many unknowns and she needed to assess the situation before just barging into his house and telling him his whole new life was a glorified, poison induced, hallucination.

Trubel could hear voices, but couldn't see anything. She quietly walked around to the back of the house, looking for a way inside. Which happened to come in the form of an open window on the second story, Trubel started climbing. She reached the top fairly easily and swung her legs over the window sill, climbing fully inside. She found herself in what looked like a spare bedroom. There was a set of stairs visible from where she stood, Trubel soundlessly crept out of the room and just to the edge of the very top step. The Grimm crouched done peering through the rungs, getting a perfect view of the kitchen. Kelly sat in a high chair, casually chewing on a rattle, while Nick stood at the stove laughing and flipping pancakes. There was someone else that hadn't come into Trubel's view yet, they seemed to be warning him of flipping then too high, which he was. Then Trubel was shocked to see herself walk up to Nick, Nick rolled his eyes at the other version of her and went back to cooking.

Trubel thought it was sweet, at least he cared it'd her enough for her to still be his friend here. She saw the other her hug Nick from behind. Then to Trubel's utter shock, he smiled and turned, giving her a quick kiss right on the lips. Trubel looked on in shock eyes wide.

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