The Traumweber

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"A what?" Trubel asked impatiently.

"A Traumweber." Rosalee answered, setting a large book down on the Spice Shop table.

Rosalee turned the pages until she found the one she was looking for.

"Here, is this what it looked like." Rosalee turned the book around for Trubel to look at.

"Yeah, that's it." Trubel nodded.

The Grimms eyes scanned over the pages as she quickly read the first paragraph.

It read:

The Traumweber is one of the more rare species of Wesen, with an equally unique defense mechanism. This particular Wesen defends itself by emitting a smoke-like poison that is produced by a gland in its neck. This poison is particularly dangerous, as it sends its victims into a dream state and it keeps them locked in a vicious cycle, usually by making them dream of their greatest wish or hope. However in some cases, the Traumweber would appear to have the ability to directly interact with its victims while in the dream state, little is known about how it does this, only that it can when it gets close to them. Though this Wesen has been seen all around the world it originated in Arabic countries and is thought to be the basis for the legend of the Djinn.

Trubel tore her eyes from the pages and looked at an unconscious Nick.

"How do we wake him up?" Trubel questioned.

"That where things get complicated. We need Traumweber venom for that. But we need the venom from the same one that did this too him." Rosalee replied.

"I'll get it." Trubel spoke, clenching her fists, resolve in her voice.

Trubel quickly headed for the door.

"Trubel..." Monroe called.

She turned back.

"We need the Traumweber alive." Monroe informed.

Trubel made a gesture of understanding and walked out the door.


Nick stood, holding Kelly while Trubel was in the kitchen making up his bottle. Monroe and Rosalee had come over and they had talked for several hours, they had helped Nick fill in the blanks. Nick couldn't believe how different everything was, Nick had never lost his powers. Juiette had left Portland after she lost her memories. Adalind had never returned to Portland after Diana had been taken, and Nick mother was alive. She was off the radar with Diana, but she was alive.

A plethora of emotions swirled around inside Nick, at that moment it was like there was a tug of war between his heart and his head. His head said that this was all too good to be true, that something was wrong. But then there was his heart, his heart screamed into protest to his mind. His heart said that he was finally happy. All the bad, all the horrors and frustrations where gone. He had his son, he mother was alive, and he was married to the woman he had long ago realized he loved. Truth be told, Nick knew he loved her, he had for a long time. But he had pushed it aside, buried those feeling deep, deep down. Because she didn't feel the same and the last thing he needed was to mess up his friendship with one of the remaining people he trusted.

But if this was his reality now, he didn't really have a problem with that. A part of him couldn't help but think that if by some long shot this wasn't real, maybe he didn't want to go back. He was happy.

"You know I can put him down of you want, you should be resting anyway." Trubel spoke, walking in with Kelly's bottle.

"Nah, I want to. Besides, I don't think I'd get much rest right now anyway, I have technically been asleep for a week." Nick replied

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